translit Tsimmerman A. Chelovek. Tainstvennye yavleniya nravstvennoy i fizicheskoy ego prirody. Tom 2 eng Zimmerman A. Man. Mysterious phenomena of his moral and physical nature. Volume 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Chteniya v Imperatorskom Obshchestve Istorii i drevnostey Rossiyskikh pri Moskovskom Universitete. 1866. Iyul'-sentyabr'. eng Readings at the Imperial Society of History and Antiquities of Russia at Moscow University. 1866. July-September. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Shekspir V. Dramaticheskie sochineniya Shekspira, Chast' 6: Zimnyaya skazka. Troil i Kressida. Vindzorskie prokaznitsy. Romeo i Dzhul'etta. eng Shakespeare B. Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, Part 6: The Winter's Tale. Troilus and Cressida. The Windsors. Romeo and Juliet. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Golotuzov, F. V. Rukovodstvo po pervym urokam russkogo yazyka dlya nemtsev. Na nem. yaz. Golotusow F. Leitfaden zum ersten Unterricht in der russischen Sprache fuer Deutsche F. Golotusow. Reval: Reval Franz Kluge, 1866. eng Golotusow F. Leitfaden zum ersten Unterricht in der russischen Sprache für Deutsche F. Golotusow. Reval: Reval Franz Kluge. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Rozhdestvenskiy, V. A. Istoricheskoe opisanie Serpukhovskogo vladychnogo obshchezhitelnogo devichego monastyrya. eng Rozhdestvensky, V.A. Historical description of the Serpukhov Vladykhov hostel monastery. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Frants Ellis, ili Sila sovrashcheniya s nemetskogo perevoda angliyskoy povesti Ioanny Strikland. eng Franz Ellis, or The Power of Seduction from the German translation of Joanna Stricklands English Novel. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Gertsen, A. Kto vinovat? Roman v dvukh chastyakh. eng Herzen, A. Who is to blame? A novel in two parts. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T.N. Sochineniya T.N. Granovskogo. V dvukh chastyakh v odnom pereplete. eng Granovsky T.N. Works by T.N. Granovsky. In two parts in one cover. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Sochineniya V. A. Sleptsova. Tom pervyy. eng Works by V. A. Sleptsov. Volume one. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit George March Man and Nature 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Georg Marsh Chelovek i priroda 1866 g. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Lopatin I.A. Diary of the Turukhansk expedition of 1866, St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1897. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Lopatin I.A. Dnevnik Turukhanskoy ekspeditsii 1866 g. SPb.: Tip. Imp. Akademii nauk g. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Karamzin's Letters to Dmitriev. 1866. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Pis'ma Karamzina Dmitrievu. 1866g. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit HUDYAKOV.RASKS ON GREAT PERSONALS OF MEDIUM AND NEW TIMES, edited by Gaideburov, St. Petersburg, 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng KhUDYaKOV.RASSKAZY o VELIKIKh LYuDYaKh SREDNIKh i NOVYKh VREMEN, izd.Gaydeburova,SPb 1866g. PRIZhIZN.IZD. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit SHEXPIRE. PSS, Volume 2, translated by Russian writers, ed. Nekrasov and Gerbel, St. Petersburg, Imp.Akad.Nauk, 1866. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng ShEKSPIR. PSS,tom 2,v perevode russkikh pisateley,izd.Nekrasova i Gerbelya, SPb,Imp.Akad.Nauk,1866g. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T. N. Sochineniya. V dvukh chastyakh. eng Granovsky T. N. Works. In two parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Derzhavin G. R. Sochineniya Derzhavina s obyasnitelnymi primechaniyami Ya. Grota . Tom IIIStikhotvoreniya. Chast III 1809 1816 . eng Derzhavin G. R. Works of Derzhavin with explanatory notes by Ya. Groth. Volume III Poems. Part III 1809 1816. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Derzhavin G. R. Sochineniya Derzhavina s obyasnitelnymi primechaniyami Ya. Grota. V 9 t. . T. III Stikhotvoreniya. Ch. III. eng Derzhavin G. R. Works by Derzhavin with explanatory notes by Ya. Groth. In 9 Vol. Vol. III Poems. Part III. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit I. R. Vseobshchiy kalendar na 1867 g. s prilozheniem spiska ulits, tabeli domov i plana Peterburga, a ravno promyshlennogo ukazatelya, s dobavleniem adresov mirovykh sudey, prisyazhnykh poverennykh i sudebnykh pristavovo v Peterburge i Moskve. eng I.R. A general calendar for 1867 with a list of streets, lists of houses and a plan of St. Petersburg, as well as an industrial index, with the addition of the addresses of magistrates, jury attorneys and bailiffs in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Kurochkin V. S. Sobranie stikhotvoreniy Vasiliya Kurochkina. V 2-kh tomakh. Tom I. Perevody. eng V. S. Kurochkin Collection of Poems by Vasily Kurochkin. In 2 Volumes. Volume I. Translations. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Keri Genri Charlz. Rukovodstvo k sotsialnoy nauke. V dvukh vypuskakh. Vypusk 1. eng Cary Henry Charles: A Guide to Social Science. Two Issues, Issue 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart