
Listings found - 20
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![Rozenbaum A. [Ajn Rend]. Gollivud: amerikanskij kino-gorod, 1926. / Rosenbaum A. [Ayn Rand], Hollywood: American Film City. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926. In Russian. - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/avantgard/MS002148_1.jpg)
translit Rozenbaum A. [Ajn Rend]. Gollivud: amerikanskij kino-gorod, 1926.
eng Rosenbaum A. [Ayn Rand], Hollywood: American Film City. Moscow-Leningrad. In Russian.
Publication date: 1926

translit Medailles sur les principaux evenements de lEmpire de Russie depuis le regne Pierre le Grand jusqu a celui de Catherine II avec des explications historiques. Ricaud de Tiregale, Pierre. Potsdam, 1772.
eng Medals dedicated to major events in the history of the Russian Empire, from the reign of Peter the Great to the reign of Catherine II, with historical commentary. Potsdam.
Publication date: 1772

translit Mehanicheskij zavod Lyudvig Nobel, 1862-1912. St. Peterburg, 1912.
eng The Engineering Works Ludvig Nobel-1912. St. Petersburg.
Publication date: 1912

translit Charles Darwin, Puteshestvie vokrug sveta na korable Bigl, 1865.
eng Charles Darwin, The voyage round the world of the Beagle. Rare full set in 2 volumes.
Publication date: 1865

translit Ostrozhskaya Bibliya, 1914.
eng Ostrog Bible. Moscow Old Believer Printing House.
Publication date: 1914

translit Breton de la Mariniere J.B. La Russie, ou Costumes, Moeurs et Usages des Russes: suite de gravures coloriees avec leurs explications. Paris, 1813.
eng Breton de la Martiniere J.B. Russia, or Costumes, Manners and Customs of the Russians: series of colored engravings with their explanations. Paris.
Publication date: 1813

translit Souvenir du Couronnement de Leurs Majestes Imperiales a Moscou 1896. L`Empereur Nicolas Alexandrovitch en tenue de 10 regiments dont Sa Majeste est chef.
eng In memory of the Coronation of Their Imperial Majesties in Moscow. Folder of lithographs dedicated to the coronation of Nicholas II.
Publication date: 1896

translit Dmitriy Mendeleev, Osnovy Khimii. 1869-1871.
eng Dmitri Mendeleev, Principles of Chemistry, St. Petersburg-1871. First edition.
Publication date: 1869

![Tora Neviim uKtuvim, Arbaa veEsrim Gadol, 1546-1548. / Torah (Hebrew Bible) [Bomberg edition], 1546-1548. - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DD000001_1.jpg)
translit Tora Neviim uKtuvim, Arbaa veEsrim Gadol, 1546-1548.
eng Torah (Hebrew Bible) [Bomberg edition]-1548.
Publication date: 1546

translit M.V. Gorfunkel, Moskva rekonstruiruetsya. Albom diagramm, toposkhem i fotografij po rekonstruktsii Moskvy. A.M. Rodchenko, V.F. Stepanova, 1938.
eng M.V. Gorfunkel, Moscow is being reconstructed. Album of diagrams, toposchemes and photographs of Moscow reconstruction. Album designed by A.M. Rodchenko, V.F. Stepanova. Moscow.
Publication date: 1938

translit A. Benua, Hudozhestvennye sokrovishcha Rossii, St. Peterburg, 1901.
eng A. Benois, Art Treasures of Russia, St. Petersburg.
Publication date: 1901

![Golikov, I.I. Deyaniya Petra Velikogo, mudrogo preobrazovatelya Rossii, sobrannye iz dostovernyh istochnikov i raspolozhennye po godam : [v 15 t.]/Golikov, I.I. The deeds of Peter the Great, a wise convertor of Russia, collected from reliable sources and located over the years: In 15 Vols. - 2nd Edition. - Moscow, 1837-1843. in Russian. - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/rarebooks/34_634_1.jpg)
translit Golikov, I.I. Deyaniya Petra Velikogo, mudrogo preobrazovatelya Rossii, sobrannye iz dostovernyh istochnikov i raspolozhennye po godam : [v 15 t.]
eng Golikov, I.I. The deeds of Peter the Great, a wise convertor of Russia, collected from reliable sources and located over the years: In 15 Vols. - 2nd Edition. - Moscow-1843. in Russian.
Publication date: 1837

translit Rechberg, C. Les peuples de la Russie, ou description des moeurs, usages et costumes des diverse nations de lempire de Russie, accompagnee de 94 figures: 2 vols. Paris: D. Colas 1812-1813.
eng Rechberg, C. Peoples of Russia: Description of manners, customs, costumes, etc. With 94 paintings: in 2 volumes. E. Korneev., Paris, 1812-1813.
Publication date: 1812

translit Kondakov, N.P. Istoriya i pamyatniki vizantijskoj emali: Iz sobraniya A.V. Zvenigorodskogo. St. Peterburg, M.M. Stasyulevich, 1892.
eng Kondakov, N.P. History and monuments of Byzantine enamel: From the collection of A.V. Zvenigorodsky, St. Petersburg, printing house of M.M. Stasyulevich.
Publication date: 1892

translit Description du Sacre et du couronnement de Leurs Majestes Imperiales l\'Empereur Alexandre II et l\'Imperatrice Marie Alexandrovna. Paris, Saint-Petersbourg, 1856.
eng Description of the sacred coronation of Their Imperial Majesties Sovereign Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna of All Russia. Paris, St. Petersburg. Coronation Album.
Publication date: 1856