translit Filaret. Sobranie mneniy i otzyvov Filareta, mitropolita Moskovskogo i Kolomenskogo, po uchebnym i tserkovno-gosudarstvennym voprosam.Tom 3 eng Philaret. A collection of opinions and testimonies from Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomensky, on educational and church-state issues. Volume 3 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Turgenev I.S. Stikhotvoreniya. eng Turgenev I.S. Poems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Shaposhnikov N.A. Kurs pryamolineynoy trigonometrii i sobranie trigonometricheskikh zadach. eng Shaposhnikov N.A. Course of rectilinear trigonometry and collection of trigonometric problems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Yagich I.V. Vopros o Kirille i Mefodii v slavyanskoy filologii. eng Yagich I.V. The Question of Kirill and Methodius in Slavic Philology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Foygt G. Vozrozhdenie klassicheskoy drevnosti ili pervyy vek gumanizma. eng Foigt G. The revival of classical antiquity or the first century of humanism. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Blanc Charles. Lart dans la parure et dans le vetement. eng Blanc Charles. Lart dans la parure et dans le vetement. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Belikov S. Atlas obraztsov vazhneyshikh Topograficheskikh Kart russkikh i inostrannykh. eng Belikov S. Atlas of samples of the most important topographic maps of Russian and foreign countries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Vestnik Promyshlennosti. Ezhemesyachnyy illyustrirovannyy tekhnicheskiy zhurnal. 1885 g. Sentyabr, oktyabr. eng Bulletin of Industry. Monthly illustrated technical journal. 1885. September, October. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Gneyst Rudolf. Istoriya gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdeniy Anglii. eng Nneist Rudolph: The History of Englands Public Institutions. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit A. L. (Arkhimandrit Leonid Kavelin L. A.) Abkhaziya i v ney Novo-Afonskiy Simono-Kananitskiy monastyr. S planom Abkhazskogo primorskogo berega, s 21- m risunkom pamyatnikov khristianstva v Abkhazii i s planom Novo-Afonskogo monastyrya. V polzu stroyashcheysya obiteli. eng A. L. (Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin L.A.) Abkhazia and in it the Novo-Athos Simo-Kananitsky Monastery. With the plan of the Abkhaz seaside coast, with the 21st drawing of monuments of Christianity in Abkhazia and with the plan of the Novo-Athos Monastery. In favor of the monastery under construction. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Grot N.Ya. O nravstvennoy otvetstvennostti i yuridicheskoy vmenyaemlsti. eng N.Y.Grotto on moral responsibility and legal sanity. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Evangelie. eng The Gospel. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Zhitie i podvigi prepodobnogo i bogonosnogo ottsa nashego Sergiya iIgumena Radonezhskogo i vseya Rossii Chudotvortsa. eng The life and feats of our Venerable and God-fearing Father Sergius and Abbot of Radonezh and All Russia the Wonderworker. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Zhitie prepodobnogo Nifonta eng v 3-kh vypuskakh/. Vypusk 3-y./The Life of Reverend Nifont / in Issue 3 /. Issue 3. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Zakharin I.N. (Yakunin) Teni proshlogo. Rasskazy o bylykh delakh. eng Zakharyin I.N. (Yakunin) Shadows of the Past. Stories of the Past. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Zelinskiy V. Istoriko-kriticheskiy kommentariy k sochineniyam F.M. Dostoevskogo. (sbornik kritiki). Chasti 1, 2 (ne komplekt). eng Zelinsky V. Historical and Critical Commentary to the Works of F.M. Dostoevsky. (collection of critics). Parts 1, 2 (not a set). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Ivan Gavrilovich Bazhenov (Episkop Iosif). Izbrannye slova, besedy i rechi magistra bogosloviya arkhimandrita Iosifa eng Ivan Gavrilovich Bazhenov (Bishop Joseph). Selected words, talks and speeches of Archimandrite Joseph, Master of Theology In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Iz Mitskevicha. Perevody N.P. Semenova. eng From Mickiewicz. Translations by N.P. Semyonov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Inostrantseva A.A. Geologiya. Obshchiy kurs t.1. Sovremennye geologicheskie yavleniya ( dinamicheskaya geologiya). Petrografiya i stratigrafiya. eng Foreigners A.A. Geology. General Course t.1. Modern Geological Phenomena (Dynamic Geology). Petrography and Stratigraphy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart
translit Istoricheskaya zapiska o 50-letii Moskovskoy 2-y gimnazii. eng Historical Note on the 50th Anniversary of the Moscow Second Gymnasium. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $399 Add to cart