translit Lottse German. Mikrokozm. Mysli o estestvennoy i bytovoy istorii chelovechestva. Opyt antropologii. Chast pervaya. Dusha. Telo. Zhizn. eng Lotze Hermann. Microcosm. Thoughts on the natural and everyday history of mankind. Experience of anthropology. Part one. Soul. Body. Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Mezhov V. I. Literatura russkoy istorii za 1859 - 1864 g. vkl. Tom 1 i edinstvennyy. eng Mezhov V. I. The Literature of Russian History for 1859-1864 includes Volume 1 and the only one. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Nechaev, O. Stikhotvoreniya O. Nechaeva eng Nechaev, O. Poems by O. Nechaev In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Nikolay Mikhaylovich Karamzin,po ego sochineniyam,pismam i otzyvam sovremennikov.Materialy dlya biografii,s primechaniyami i obyasneniyami M.Pogodina.Chast 2 eng Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, according to his writings, letters and contemporary testimonies. Materials for his biography, with notes and explanations by M.Pogodin.Part 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Polveka dlya knigi. 1866-1916. Literaturno-khudozhestvennyy sbornik, posvyashchennyy 50-letiyu izdatelskoy deyatelnosti I.D. Sytina. eng Half a Century for a Book. 1866-1916. Literary and artistic collection dedicated to the 50th anniversary of I.D. Sytins publishing activity. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Kaufman N. Moskovskaya flora ili Opisanie vysshikh rasteniy i botaniko-geograficheskiy obzor Moskovskoy gubernii. eng Kaufman N. Moscow flora or a description of higher plants and botanical-geographical survey of Moscow governorate. Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Dmitriev, I. I. (poet) Vzglyad na moyu zhizn: Zapiski d. t. s. Ivana Ivanovicha Dmitrieva: V 3 ch Predisl.: Mikh. Dmitriev; Obshch. prim. ko vsem 3 ch. sost. M.N. Longinovym. - eng Dmitriev, I. I. I. (poet) A look at my life: Notes by Vol. Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev: At 3 oclock Predisl: Mikh. Dmitriev; Total Note to All 3 oclock by M.N. Longinov. - Publication date: 1866 $499 Add to cart
translit Platona Gorgіas 1866 rіk In Ukrainian (ask us if in doubt) eng Platona Gorgіas 1866 rіk In Ukrainian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Judicial Statutes of November 20, 1864, with reasoning. Part 1 eng 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sudebnye ustavy 20 noyabrya 1864 goda, s izlozheniem rassuzhdeniy. Chast' 1 / 1866 g. Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Gurlyand Iona. M. Kumatyano, uchenyy ravvin, matematik i ekzeget iz Konstantinopolya. eng Gourland Jonah M. Kumatyano, scientist rabbi, mathematician and exeget from Constantinople. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Karelin V. Don-Kikhotizm i demonizm: Kriticheskiy etyud po povodu Don-Kikhota s prilozheniem kratkogo zhizneopisaniya Servantesa. eng Karelin V. Don Quixote and Demonism: A Critical Study of Don Quixote with Cervantess Brief History. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Rokhau A. L. Istoriya Frantsii ot nizverzheniya Napoleona I do vosstanovleniya imperii, 1814 — 1852. V dvukh chastyakh v odnom pereplete. eng Rojau A. L. The history of France from the overthrow of Napoleon I to the restoration of empire-1852. In two parts in one cover. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Skavronskiy N. Ocherki Moskvy. Vypusk vtoroy: Fiziologiya goroda i obshchestva. eng Skavronsky N. Essays on Moscow. Issue two: The Physiology of the City and Society. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Ezhen Aten. Bibliografiya frantsuzskoy periodicheskoy pechati. eng Eugène Atin. Bibliography of the French periodical press. In French (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Massa Isaak. Istoriya moskovskikh voyn (1601-1610). eng Mass Isaac. History of the Moscow Wars (1601-1610). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Moleshott Ya. Krugovorot zhizni. eng Moleshott J. The Cycle of Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Offenbakh Zhak. Prekrasnaya Elena. Opera-buff v 3-kh aktakh. Ptichki pevchie. Opera-buff v 2-kh aktakh. Klaviry. Noty. eng Offenbach Jacques. The beautiful Elena. Opera-buff in 3 acts. Birds singing. Opera-buff in 2 acts. Keyboards. Notes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $599 Add to cart
translit Garkavi A. Ya. Ob yazyke evreev zhivshikh v drevnee vremya na Rusi i o slavyanskikh slovakh vstrechaemykh u evreyskikh pisateley. eng Garkavi A.Ya. On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient Russia and on the Slavic words found in Jewish writers. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T. N. Sochineniya T. N. Granovskogo. V dvukh chastyakh v odnom pereplete. eng Granovsky T. N. Works by T. N. Granovsky. In two parts in one cover. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T. P. Sochineniya. Chast I.Chast II. eng Granovsky T. P. Works. Part I. Part II. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart