translit Nadgrobnyj pamyatnik Aleksandry Pavlovny. 1860 eng Tombstone of Alexandra Pavlovna. 1860 Publication date: 1860 $1799 Add to cart
translit Konvolyut: 1. Zhizn' v boze pochivshego blazhennogo startsa skhimonakha Zosimy. 2. Izrecheniya startsa Skhimonakha Zosimy i izvlecheniya iz sochineniy ego. eng Convolutee: 1. Life in the bosom of the late blessed elder, the chimonk Zoshima. 2. The sayings of the elder, the chimonk Zoshima, and the extraction from his writings. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $1899 Add to cart
translit Krylov Apollinariy. Tserkovno-arkheologicheskoe opisanie goroda Yaroslavlya. eng Wings Apollinary. Church and archaeological description of the city of Yaroslavl. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $1899 Add to cart
translit Kukol'nik N.V. Al'f i Al'dona. Istoricheskiy roman eng N.W. Alf and Aldona's Puppet. A Historical Novel In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $1899 Add to cart
translit Pogodin M.P. Tsarevich Aleksey Petrovich po svidetel'stvam vnov' otkrytym. eng Pogodin M.P. Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich according to newly opened testimonies. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $1899 Add to cart
translit Tarasenkov A. Istoricheskaya zapiska o strannopriimnom dome grafa Sheremeteva. eng Tarasenkov A. Historical note about Count Sheremetev's oddly hospitable house. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $1899 Add to cart
translit Dolgorukov Petr, knyaz' eng Dolgoroukow, Pierre (prince). Pravda o Rossii / La verite sur la Russie./Dolgoroukow Peter, Prince / Dolgoroukow, Pierre (prince). The truth about Russia / La verite sur la Russie. In French (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2099 Add to cart
translit Notes on Shamil. Runovsky A.1860. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Zapiski o Shamile. Runovskiy A.1860g. Publication date: 1860 $2299 Add to cart
translit Edinstvennyy tom. Redkost' Veber Georg, d-r. Vsemirnaya istoriya (Allgemeine Geschichte), sostavlennaya po noveyshim istoricheskim issledovaniyam, s obrashcheniem osobennogo vnimaniya na dukhovnuyu i grazhdanstvennuyu zhizn' narodov: Kniga pervaya. Dlya chteniya obrazovannogo obshchestva eng The Single Volume. Weber Georg, Dr. Allgemeine Geschichte, World History, compiled from the latest historical research, with special attention to the spiritual and civic life of peoples: Book One. For reading an educated society In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2299 Add to cart
translit Ferri Gabriel'. Lesnoy brodyaga. eng Ferry Gabriel. A forest vagrant. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2399 Add to cart
translit Zamechaniya o muzee v Tsarskom sele, soderzhashchem v sebe kollektsiyu oruzhiya Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva eng Remarks on the museum in Tsarskoye Selo, which contains His Imperial Majesty's weapons collection In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2499 Add to cart
translit Karnovich E. Sanktpeterburg v statisticheskom otnoshenii. eng Karnovych E. St. Petersburg in statistical terms. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2599 Add to cart
translit Derzhavin G.R. Zapiski Gavriila Romanovicha Derzhavina. 1743-1812. eng H.R. Derzhavin's Notes by Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. 1743-1812. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2699 Add to cart
translit Arkhimandrit Makariy (Altayskiy missioner). Prorocheskie knigi Vetkhogo Zaveta (Opyt perelozheniya na russkiy yazyk), 8 knig v odnom pereplete: Kniga Proroka Isayi, Proroka Ieremii, Proroka Iezekiilya, Proroka Daniila, Proroka Osii, Proroka Aggeya, Proroka Zakhariya, Proroka Amalakhii eng Archimandrite Macarius (Altai missionary). Old Testament prophetic books (Experience of translation into Russian), 8 books in one cover: The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, the Prophet Jeremiah, the Prophet Ezekiel, the Prophet Daniel, the Prophet Hosea, the Prophet Haggai, the Prophet Zechariah, the Prophet Amalachia In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2699 Add to cart
translit Kollinz Uilki. Zhenshchina v belom. eng Collins Wilkie. Woman in White. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2699 Add to cart
translit Makariy, arkhimandrit. Arkheologicheskoe opisanie tserkovnykh drevnostey v Novgorode i ego okrestnostyakh. eng Makariy, Archimandrite. Archaeological description of church antiquities in Novgorod and its environs. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2799 Add to cart
translit Novitskiy O. M. Postepennoe razvitie drevnikh filosofskikh ucheniy v svyazi s razvitiem yazycheskikh verovaniy. 4 chasti. eng Novitsky O.M. Gradual development of ancient philosophical teachings in connection with the development of pagan beliefs. 4 parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2799 Add to cart
translit Podolinskiy Andrey Ivanovich. Sochineniya A. I. Podolinskago. Chast' 1.-Chast' 2 komplekt. eng Podolinsky Andrey Ivanovich. Works by A. I. Podolinsky. Part 1.-Part 2 set. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $2899 Add to cart
translit Konvolyut: 1. Smirnov, S. Biografiya knyazya Dmitriya Mikhaylovicha Pozharskogo. 2. Voronova, E. Rasskazy. Sobstvennoe izdanie. eng Convolutee: 1. Smirnov, S. Biography of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky. 2. Voronov, E. Stories. Own edition. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $3099 Add to cart
translit Kol'raush F. Per. P. Barteneva. Istoriya Germanii s drevneyshikh vremen do 1851 goda. V 2-kh chastyakh. eng Kolrausch F. Peer P. Bartenev. History of Germany from ancient times to 1851. In two parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1860 $3199 Add to cart