translit Bekher E. Rabochiy Vopros v ego Sovremennom Znachenii i sredstva k ego razresheniyu. S prilozheniem Ustavov Narodnogo Banka Prudona i Ustavov Mezhdunarodnoy Assotsiatsii Rabochikh. eng Becher E. The Workers Question in Its Contemporary Meaning and Means of Solving It. With Appendix to the Articles of Agreement of the Peoples Bank of Proudhon and the Articles of Association of International Workers. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $799 Add to cart
translit Bilbasov, V. A. Chekh Yan Gus iz Gusintsa. eng Bilbasov, V. A. Czech Jan Gus from Gusinets. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $799 Add to cart
translit Butkov, P. G. Materialy dlya novoy istorii Kavkaza s 1722 po 1803 god. Chast vtoraya. S pyatyu planami. eng Butkov, P. G. Materials for the new history of the Caucasus from 1722 to 1803. Part two. With five plans. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $799 Add to cart
translit Vasilchikov A. O samoupravlenii. eng Vasilchikov A. On self-government. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $799 Add to cart
translit Figier, L. The Life of Insects. 1869 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Fig'e, L. Zhizn' nasekomykh. 1869 g. Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Dove. Zakon shtormov, rassmatrivaemyy v svyazi s obyknovennymi dvizheniyami atmosfery. eng Dove. The law of storms considered in connection with ordinary atmospheric movements. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Zhurnaly osoboykomissii, eng The journals of the special commission, In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Zhurnaly osoboykomissii. eng The journals of the special commission. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Zabelin I. E. Domashniy byt russkogo naroda t. 2. Domashniy byt russkikh tsarits eng Zabelin I. E. Domestic Life of the Russian People Vol. 2. Domestic Life of Russian Tsaritsas In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva po obshchey geografii (Otdeleniyam geografii fizicheskoy i matematicheskoy). Tom vtoroy eng Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on General Geography (Physical and Mathematical Geography Departments). Volume Two In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Ieromonakh Nikolay. (Svyatoy Ravnoapostolnyy Arkhiepiskop Nikolay Yaponskiy). Seguny i mikado. eng / Russkiy vestnik. Tom vosemdesyat chetvertyy. (84). 1869. Noyabr. Dekabr./Hieromonk Nicholas (Holy Equal Apostle Archbishop Nicholas of Japan). Segun and Mikado. / / Russian Vestnik. Volume eighty-four. (84). 1869. November. December. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Klaus A. Nashi kolonii. Opyty i materialy po istorii i statistike inostrannoy kolonizatsii v Rossii. Vyp. 1 (i edinstvennyy). eng Klaus A. Our colonies. Experiences and materials on the history and statistics of foreign colonization in Russia. Volume 1 (and the only one). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Konvolyut iz 20-ti religioznykh izdaniy iz biblioteki knyazya Nikolaya Davidovicha Zhevakhova. eng A Convolutee of 20 Religious Editions from the Library of Prince Nikolai Davidovich Zhevakhov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Polenov, Vasiliy Dmitrievich. Litografiya Iov i ego druzya. eng Polenov, Vasily Dmitrievich. Lithography of Job and his friends. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Sbornik schetnykh pravil po glavnoy udelnoy bukhgalterii. eng Compendium of Accounting Rules for General Unit Accounting. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Svod resheniy kassatsionnykh departamentov pravitelstvuyushchego senata i razyasnennye imi zakonopolozheniya. eng Compilation of the decisions of the cassation departments of the Senate of Government and the legal provisions explained by them. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Flerovskiy N. (Bervi V. V. ) Polozhenie rabochego klassa v Rossii. Nablyudeniya i issledovaniya N. Flerovskago. eng N. Flerovsky (V.V. Bervie) The situation of the working class in Russia. Observations and researches by N. Flerovsky. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Le bibliophile fantaisist. eng Le bibliophile fantasist. In English (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Bervi-Flerovskiy V. V. Svoboda rechi, terpimost i nashi zakony o pechati. eng Bervie-Flerovsky V.V. Freedom of speech, tolerance, and our press laws. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Lyubetskiy E.M. Rus i russkie v 1812g. (Kniga dlya vsekh vozrastov). eng Lyubetsky E.M. Rus and the Russians in 1812 (Book for All Ages). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart