translit Petrov, A.N. Voyna Rossii s Turtsiey i polskimi konfederatami. S 1769-1774 g. Tom II.God 1770. eng Petrov, A.N. Russias War with Turkey and the Polish Confederates. From 1769- Volume II. Year 1770. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $1499 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T.N. Sochineniya T.N. Granovskogo. V dvukh chastyakh v odnom pereplete eng Granovsky T.N. Works by T.N. Granovsky. In two parts in one cover In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1599 Add to cart
translit Mill' Dzh.S. Utilitarizm. O svobode. eng Mill J.C. Utilitarianism. On Freedom. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1599 Add to cart
translit Kaufman N. Moskovskaya flora ili opisanie vysshikh rasteniy i botaniko-geograficheskiy obzor Moskovskoy gubernii. eng N. Kaufman Moscow flora or description of higher plants and botanical-geographical survey of Moscow province. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1699 Add to cart
translit Pis'ma M.N. Karamzina k I.I. Dmitrievu. K pis'mam prilozheny snimki pocherka i portret Karamzina. Ko dnyu stoletney godovshchiny so dnya rozhdeniya N.M. Karamzina. eng Letters from M.N. Karamzin to I.I. Dmitriev. Attached to the letters are photos of his handwriting and a portrait of Karamzin In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1699 Add to cart
translit Gogel' N.V. Iosafat Ogryzko i peterburgskiy revolyutsionnyy rzhond v dele poslednego myatezha. eng Gogel N.V. Yosaphat Ogryzko and the St. Petersburg Revolutionary Rifle in the Last Revolt. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1899 Add to cart
translit Blan Lui. Pis'ma ob Anglii. 2 toma eng Blanc Louis. Letters on England. 2 Volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1899 Add to cart
translit Stavengagen V.Z., Lange G.G. Al'bom vidov Kurlyandii, uvidennykh i opublikovannykh Vil'gel'mom Zigfridom Stavengagenom, na stali gravirovannykh i napechatannykh G.G. Lange v Darmshtadte. S poyasnyayushchimi teksami raznykh avtorov. eng Stavengagen W.Z., Lange H.G. An album of views of Courland seen and published by Wilhelm Siegfried Stavengagen on steel engraved and printed by H.G. Lange in Darmstadt. With explanatory texts from different authors. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1899 Add to cart
translit Tornau, baron. Musul'manskoe pravo: O nasledstve po zakonu. eng Tornow, Baron. Muslim Law: On Succession by Law. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1899 Add to cart
translit Eversmann E. A. Estestvennaya istoriya ptits Orenburgskogo kraya. eng Eversmann E. A. The Natural History of Birds in the Orenburg Region. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $1899 Add to cart
translit Chebyshev P. O razlozhenii funkcij v ryady pri pomoshchi nepreryvnyh drobej. 1866. eng Chebyshev P. On the expansion of functions into series using continued fractions. St. Petersburg. In Russian. Publication date: 1866 $2000 Add to cart
translit Chebyshev P. Ob odnom arifmiticheskom voprose. 1866. eng Chebyshev P. On one arithmetical question. St. Petersburg. In Russian. Publication date: 1866 $2000 Add to cart
translit Russkaya lubochnaya kartinka: Bitva russkikh s kabardintsami. eng Russian club picture: Battle of the Russians against the Kabardinians. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2099 Add to cart
translit Samarin Yu. F. Iezuity i ikh otnosheniya k Rossii. eng Samarin Yu. F. Jesuits and their attitude to Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2099 Add to cart
translit Sokolovskiy N.M. Ostrog i zhizn'. Iz zapisok sledovatelya. eng Sokolovsky N.M. Ostrog and Life. From the Investigator's Notes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2099 Add to cart
translit I.K. Keyn. Per. s nem. A. Tikhmeneva Puteshestviya i otkrytiya vtoroy Grinel'skoy ekspeditsii v severnye polyarnye strany dlya otyskaniya sera Dzhona Franklina, sovershennye v 1853, 1854 i 1855 godakh pod nachal'stvom d-ra E.K. Kena. eng I.K. Caine. Translated with him by A. Tikhmenev Voyages and discoveries of the second Greenel expedition to the northern polar countries to find Sir John Franklin, made in and 1855 under the leadership of Dr. E.K. Caine. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2199 Add to cart
translit Dmitriev, Ivan Ivanovich. Vzglyad na moyu zhizn'. V trekh chastyakh v odnom pereplete eng Dmitriev, Ivan Ivanovich. A look at my life. In three parts in one cover In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2299 Add to cart
translit Nikol' O. Filosofskie razmyshleniya o bozhestvennosti khristianskoy religii. V trekh tomakh eng Nicole O. Philosophical Reflections on the Divinity of Christian Religion. In Three Volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2299 Add to cart
translit Smit Adam. Issledovaniya o prirode i prichinah bogatstva narodov v treh tomah. Tom 3. In Russian eng Smith Adam. Research the nature and causes wealth of in three volumes. Volume 3. In Russian, Petersburg Publication date: 1866 $2399 Add to cart
translit Sergiy Z.A. Istoricheskoe opisanie Moskovskogo Znamenskogo monastyrya, chto na starom Gosudarevom dvore. eng Sergiy Z.A. Historical description of the Moscow Sign Monastery, on the old State Dvor. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $2399 Add to cart