translit Nekrasov, Ostrovskiy, Shchedrin. Otechestvennye zapiski. Tom CLXXXII. eng Nekrasov, Ostrovsky, Shchedrin. Domestic Notes. Volume CLXXXII. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Perri Dzh. Sostoyanie Rossii pri nyneshnem tsare. Sochinenie kapitana Dzhona Perri. eng Perry J. The State of Russia under the Present Tsar. Writing by Captain John Perry. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $899 Add to cart
translit Letvitsyn V. I. Ot Yaroslavlya do Moskvy. eng Letvitsyn V. I. From Yaroslavl to Moscow. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $999 Add to cart
translit The Bible. German-Greek Translation. Cologne 1869 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Bibliya. nemetskiy-grecheskiy perevody. kel'n 1869 Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Voronov N. I. Sbornik statisticheskikh svedeniy o Kavkaze, izdavaemyy Kavkazskim Otdelom Imperatorskago Russkago Geograficheskago Obshchestva. eng Voronov N. I. Compilation of statistics on the Caucasus published by the Caucasus Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Lavrov N. F. Putevoditel po tserkvam g. Uglicha eng Lavrov N. F. Guide to Churches in Uglich In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Turgenev I. S. Neschastnaya. Russkiy vestnik. 1869. Yanvar. eng Turgenev I. S. Unhappy. Russian Vestnik. 1869. January. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Yubileynyy Akt Imperatorskago S. Peterburgskago Universiteta. 8 fevralya 1869 goda. eng Jubilee Act of Imperial St. Petersburg University. February 8. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Afanasev A. Poeticheskie vozzreniya slavyan na prirodu. Tom 3. eng Afanasiev A. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature. Volume 3. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Bilbasov V. A. Chekh Yan Gus iz Gusintsa. Pisma Yana Gusa, vybrannye Martinom Lyuterom. eng Bilbasov V. A. Czech Jan Gus from Gusinc. Letters from Jan Gus selected by Martin Luther. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Brem, Khr. Lud. Komnatnye pevchie ptitsy, priruchenie i razvedenie ikh. eng Brem, Chr Lud. Room songbirds, domestication and breeding. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Mark Terentsiy Varron Reatinskiy i Menippova satura. eng Mark Terence Varron of Reatinsky and Menippova Satur. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Dikson, Uilyam Gepvort (1821-1879). Svyataya Zemlya: S pril. plana Ierusalima Soch. Vilyama Diksona; Per. s angl. pod red. N.S. Kuteynikova.-Sankt-Peterburg: N.D. Protopopov, 1869.-XXI, 3, 337 s. eng Dickson, William Hepworth (1821-1879). Holy Land: From the plan of Jerusalem by the Soc. William Dixon; Translated from English under the editorship of N. S. Kuteinikov. -St. Petersburg: N. D. Protopopopov.-XXI, 3, 337 p. Publication date: 1869 $1099 Add to cart
translit Stroganovskiy ikonopisnyy litsevoy podlinnik. eng Stroganov Icon Face Original. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1199 Add to cart
translit Fige Lui. Svetila nauki. Zhizneopisanie velikikh uchenykh i kratkaya otsenka ikh trudov. T. I. Velikie uchenye XVII i XVIII vekov. S 38portretami i gravyurami, snyatymi s drevnikh pamyatnikov gg. Veras, de Bar i dr. eng Figier Louis. The Luminaries of Science. A description of the great scientists and a brief assessment of their work. T.I. The great scientists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. With 38 portraits and engravings taken from the ancient monuments of Veras, de Bar and others. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1199 Add to cart
translit Babikov K. I.Kniga iz Knigokhranilishcha Sergeya Rudolfovicha Mintslova s ego vladelcheskim inskriptomProdazhnye zhenshchiny ( Prostitutsiya ). Kartiny publichnogo razvrata na Vostoke, v antichnom mire, v Srednie veka i v nastoyashchee vremya vo Frantsii, Anglii, Rossii i drugikh gosudarstvakh Evropy. eng Babikov K. I. Book from Sergei Rudolfovich Mintzlovs Book Depository with its Owners Inscriptome Selling Women (Prostitution). Paintings of public debauchery in the East, in the Ancient World, in the Middle Ages, and now in France, England, Russia and other European countries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1199 Add to cart
translit Breaa de. Priklyucheniya molodogo parizhanina. eng The Adventures of a Young Parisian. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1199 Add to cart
translit Arkhiv yugo-zapadnoy Rossii, izdavaemyy Vremennoy komissieyu.. Chast pyataya. Akty o gorodakh (1432-1798). Tom I. eng Archive of southwestern Russia, published by the Temporary Commission.. Part Five. City Acts (1432-1798). Volume I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1299 Add to cart
translit Opisanie postepennogo razvitiya pochtovoy gonby v Rossii i sushchestvovavshikh do sego vremeni sposobov soderzhaniya stantsiy. eng Description of the gradual development of postal racing in Russia and the ways of maintaining stations that have existed up to now. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1299 Add to cart
translit Galerie Historique des comediens de la Troupe de Nicolet. Istoricheskaya galereya komediantov truppy Nikole. eng Galerie Historique des comediens de la Troupe de Nicolet. Historical Gallery of Comedians of the Nicolet troupe. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1399 Add to cart