translit Ilin Vl. (Lenin V. I.) Za 12 let. Sobranie statey. Tom 1. Dva napravleniya v russkom marksizme i russkoy sotsial-demokratii. eng Ilyin Vl. (Lenin V.I.) For 12 years. A collection of articles. Volume 1. Two trends in Russian Marxism and Russian Social Democracy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zozulya E. Gibel glavnogo goroda. eng Zozulya E. The death of the main city. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Ilin V. Za 12 let. Sobranie statey. Tom pervyy. Dva napravleniya v russkom marksizme i russkoy sotsialdemokratii. eng Ilyin V. In 12 Years. A Collection of Articles. Volume One. Two trends in Russian Marxism and Russian Social Democracy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya O. Epokha krestovykh pokhodov (Zapad v krestonosnom dvizhenii). eng Dobiash-Christmas O. The Age of the Crusades (The West in the Crusade). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zinovev G., Trotskiy L. O myatezhe levykh S.-R. eng Zinoviev G., Trotsky L. On the Revolt of the Left of S.-R. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Drenteln N.S. Fizicheskie opyty v nachalnoy shkole. eng Drenteln N.C. Physical Experiences in Primary School. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zorin M. D. Obezyany, koshki, morskie svinki, kroliki, belki, myshi, krysy i drugie melkie mlekopitayushchie, soderzhimye v nevole. Kratkoe rukovodstvo dlya lyubiteley. eng Zorin M.D. Monkeys, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, squirrels, mice, rats, and other small mammals kept in captivity In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Izvestiya Imperatorskoy Arkheologicheskoy komissii. Vypusk 65-y. eng Proceedings of the Imperial Archaeological Commission. Issue 65. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zummer Vs.M. O vere i khrame Aleksandra Ivanova. eng Zummer Vs.M. On the Faith and the Temple of Alexander Ivanov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Druzhinin A. Vospominanie o russkom khudozhnike Pavle Andreeviche Fedotove. eng Druzhinin A. A Memoir of the Russian Artist Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Evreyskaya antologiya. eng Jewish Anthology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zinovev G., Lenin N. Protiv techeniya eng Zinoviev G., Lenin N. Against the Current In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Zinovev G. i Lenin N. Protiv techeniya eng Zinoviev G. and Lenin N. Against the Current In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Ivanov Vyacheslav. Mladenchestvo. Stikhi eng Ivanov Vyacheslav. Infant. Poems In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Illyustrirovannoe urochnoe polozhenie. eng Illustrated lesson position. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Ivanov P. Studenty v Moskve. Byt, nravy, tipy eng Ivanov P. Students in Moscow. Life, Morals, Types In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Ilin I. A. Filosofiya Gegelya kak uchenie o konkretnosti Boga i cheloveka. eng Ilyin I. A. Hegels Philosophy as a Teaching on the Concreteness of God and Man. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Komarov N. S. Kholodnyy gorod. Fantastika tekhniki. eng N. S. Komarov Cold City. Science fiction. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Kulisher A., Gebel V. i dr. Konvolyut iz 5 uchebnykh izdaniy po matematike: 1. A.Kulisher. Metodika i didaktika podgotovitelnogo kursa geometrii. 2. Gebel V.Ya. Nachala algebry i sobranie zadach dlya vysshikh nachalnykh i remeslennykh uchilishch, torgovykh shkol, vechernikh i voskresnykh klassov. eng Kulisher A., Gebel V. et al. Convolutee from 5 mathematics textbooks: 1. A. Kulisher. Methodology and didactics of the preparatory course of geometry. 2. Gebel V.Ya. Started algebra and a collection of tasks for higher primary and vocational schools, commercial schools, evening and Sunday classes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Konvolyut: 1. Zinovev G.- N. Lenin. Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. 2. Borets za raboche-krestyanskoe delo Ya. M. Sverdlov. 3. Arskiy R.- Karl Libknekht. Vozhd molodezhi. eng Convolutee: 1. Zinoviev G. - N. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. 2. The fighter for workers and peasants cause Ya. M. Sverdlov. 3. Arsky R. - Karl Liebknecht. The leader of youth. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart