translit Dmitriev M.A. Melochi iz zapasa moey pamyati. eng Dmitriev M.A. Little things from my memory reserve. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1499 Add to cart
translit Monsle, Sharl'. Zhenskoe franmasonstvo frankmasonstvo. eng Monsleigh, Charles. Female Freemasonry Freemasonry. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1499 Add to cart
translit Shrenk L.I. Ocherk fizicheskoy geografii Severo-Yaponskogo morya. eng Shrenk L.I. Essay on the Physical Geography of the Sea of North Japan. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1499 Add to cart
translit Sukhovo-Kobylin A. V. Kartiny proshedshego. Pisal s natury A. Sukhovo-Kobylin. eng Sukhovo-Kobylin A. V. Paintings of the past In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1499 Add to cart
translit Bogdanovich M. Istoriya tsarstvovaniya imperatora Aleksandra I i Rossii v ego vremya. Toma 1, 2 i 3. eng Bogdanovich M. History of the reign of Emperor Alexander I and Russia in his time. Volumes 1, 2 and 3. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1869 $1499 Add to cart
translit Ule O. Pochemu i potomu. Voprosy i otvety estestvennykh nauk eng Ole O. Why and Why. Science Frequently Asked Questions In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1599 Add to cart
translit Lyubetskiy S.M. Rus' i russkie v 1812 godu. V dvukh chastyakh v odnom pereplete eng Lyubetsky S.M. Rus and the Russians in 1812. In two parts in one cover In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1699 Add to cart
translit N. A. Popov Rossiya i Serbiya. Istoricheskiy ocherk russkogo pokrovitel'stva Serbii s 1806 po 1856 g. Tom 1 eng N. A. Popov Russia and Serbia. Historical Essay on Russian Patronage of Serbia from 1806 to Volume 1 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1699 Add to cart
translit Khlebnikov N. O vliyanii obshchestva na organizatsiyu gosudarstva v tsarskiy period russkoy istorii. eng N. Khlebnikov on the influence of society on the organization of the state during the tsarist period of Russian history. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1699 Add to cart
translit Murav'ev N.N. Russkie na Bosfore v 1833 godu. eng N.N. Russian ants on the Bosphorus in 1833. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1899 Add to cart
translit Okunev M.M. Rukovodstvo dlya izucheniya korabel'noy arkhitektury. Chast' tret'ya. Obshchie pravila, prinyatye pri postroenii derevyannykh i zheleznykh sudov. eng M.M. Okunev Manual for the Study of Ship Architecture. Part Three. General Rules for the Construction of Wooden and Iron Ships. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1899 Add to cart
translit Polozhenie rabochego klassa v Rossii nablyudeniya i issledovaniya N.Flerovskogo eng The situation of the working class in Russia by the observation and research of Nikolai Flerovsky In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1899 Add to cart
translit Trechevskiy A. Pol'skoe bezkorolev'e po prekrashchenii dinastii Yagellonov. eng Treczewski A. Polish statelessness after the end of the Jagiellonian dynasty. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1899 Add to cart
translit M. I. Bogdanovich Istoriya tsarstvovaniya imperatora Aleksandra I i Rossii v ego vremya. Tom I eng M.I. Bogdanovich History of the reign of Emperor Alexander I and Russia in his time. Volume I In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1999 Add to cart
translit Pekarskiy P. Dopolneniya k istorii masonstva v Rossii XVIII stoletiya. eng Bakarsky P. Supplements to the History of Freemasonry in 18th Century Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $1999 Add to cart
translit HOMEROVA ODISSEY, Zhukovsky Lane, v.5 from the collection of works by Zhukovsky, St. Petersburg, type. IAN, 1869 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng GOMEROVA ODISSEYa,per.Zhukovskogo,t.5 iz sobraniya sochineniy Zhukovskogo,SPb, tip. IAN Publication date: 1869 $2099 Add to cart
translit Okunev M.M. General rules adopted for the construction of wooden and iron vessels. 1869. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Okunev M.M. Obshchie pravila, prinyatye pri postroenii derevyannykh i zheleznykh sudov. 1869g. Publication date: 1869 $2099 Add to cart
translit Zhivopisnyy sbornik zamechatel'nykh predmetov iz nauk, iskusstv, promyshlennosti i obshchezhitiya. Vypusk za 1869 god. 12 nomerov. eng Painting Compilation of Remarkable Subjects from Sciences, Arts, Industry, and Hostel. Issue 1869. 12 issues. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $2099 Add to cart
translit Atlas k knige: Sposoby dobychi i statistika zolota i serebra. eng Atlas to book: Gold and silver mining methods and statistics. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $2099 Add to cart
translit Zaytsev N. Ocherki byta drevnikh evreev. eng Zaitsev N. Essays on the Life of Ancient Jews. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1869 $2199 Add to cart