translit Bogdanov Anatoliy. Kratkiy obzor Antropologicheskoy Vystavki 1879 g. (s planom vystavki). Vidy Antropologicheskoy Vystavki v Moskve. eng Anatoly Bogdanov. Brief overview of the Anthropological Exhibition 1879 (with the plan of the exhibition). Types of the Anthropological Exhibition in Moscow. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Lyutostanskiy I.I. Talmud i evrei. eng Lutostan I.I. Talmud and the Jews. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Materialy dlya istorii raskola za pervoe vremya ego sushchestvovaniya, izdavaemye bratstvom sv. Petra mitropolita, pod redaktsiey N. Subbotina. Tom pyatyy. eng Materials for the history of the schism during the first period of its existence, published by the Fraternity of St. Peter Metropolitan, edited by N. Subbotin. Volume Five. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Mikhaylovskiy N.K. Sochineniya. V 6-ti tomakh. eng Mikhailovsky N.K. Works. In 6 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Novgorodskie letopisi. eng Novgorod chronicles. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Pamyatniki drevney pismennosti. Doklad Revizionnoy kommissii 3-go maya 1879 god S desyatyu prilozheniyami.Izdano pod nablyudeniem F.I.Bulgakova eng Monuments of ancient writing. Report of the Audit Commission on May 3 with ten appendices. Published under the supervision of F.I. Bulgakov In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Blent, Dzh. Narody Turtsii. Dvadtsat let prebyvaniya sredi bolgar, grekov, turok, albantsev i armyan docheri i zheny konsula. eng Blent, J. Peoples of Turkey. Twenty years among Bulgarians, Greeks, Turks, Albanians, and Armenians, the daughter and wife of the consul. Publication date: 1879 $799 Add to cart
translit Vishnyakov S. Svyatoy velikiy prorok Predtecha i krestitel Gospoden Ioann. Istoricheski istolkovatelnoe izlozhenie ego zhizni, sluzheniya i ucheniya. V dvukh chastyakh eng Vishnikov S. The Holy Great Prophet the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. Historical Explanation of His Life, Service, and Teachings. In Two Parts In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya za 1879g. Yanvar Iyun. Tom KhKhI . Polugodovoy komplekt. eng World Illustration for 1879. January June. Volume XXI. Semi-annual set. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Gorskiy A. V. Istoricheskoe opisanie Svyato Troitskoy Sergievoy lavry, sostavlennoe po rukopisnym i pechatnym dokumentam professorom Moskovskoy dukhovnoy akademii A. V. Gorskim v 1841 g, s prilozheniyami arkhimandrita Leonida eng Gorsky A. V. Historical description of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, compiled on the basis of handwritten and printed documents by Professor A. V. Gorsky of the Moscow Theological Academy in with annexes by Archimandrite Leonid In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Polevoy P. Ocherki russkoy istorii v pamyatnikakh byta. V dvukh tomakh v odnom pereplete. eng Field P. Essays on Russian History in Monuments of Life. In Two Volumes in One Book. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Putsillo M. P. Ukazatel delam i rukopisyam, otnosyashchimsya do Sibiri i prinadlezhashchim Moskovskomu Glavnomu Arkhivu Ministerstva Inostrannykh Del eng Pucillo M.P. Index to Cases and Manuscripts Relating to Siberia and belonging to the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Pushkin, A. S. Stikhotvoreniya. eng Pushkin, A. S. Poetry. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Sipovskiy V. D. Rodnaya starina. eng Sipovsky V. D. Native Old Man. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Terletskiy P. Zhizn ryb v nashikh rekakh i ozerakh. Rybnoe khozyaystvo i okhota. eng Terletsky P. Fish life in our rivers and lakes. Fisheries and hunting. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Trudy Komissii po issledovaniyu kustarnoy promyshlennosti v Rossii. V dvukh vypuskakh: Vypusk I. — Vypusk II. eng Proceedings of the Commission for the Study of the Crafts Industry in Russia. In two issues: Issue I. Issue II. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Medaille de Saint Vladimir. Etude de numismatique par Polydore Vacquier. eng Medaille de Saint Vladimir. Etude de numismatique par Polydore Vacquier. In English (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Andrievskiy M. A. Issledovanie teksta Pesni Igoryu Svyatoslavovichu. Ch. 1. Gl. 1-3 eng Andrievsky M. A. Research of the Song Text for Igor Svyatoslavovich. Part 1. Chapter 1-3 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Berezin L. V. Khorvatiya, Slavoniya, Dalmatsiya i Voennaya Granitsa. Tom 2. Dalmatsiya i Voennaya Granitsa. Obshchaya etnografiya vsekh provintsiy. eng Berezin L. V. Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and the Military Border. Volume 2. Dalmatia and the Military Border. Common ethnography of all provinces. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart
translit Pavlovich B. Rasskazy iz Russkoy istorii. eng Pavlovich B. Stories from Russian History. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1879 $899 Add to cart