translit Zhenshchiny votyaki v Sibiri. Gravyura iz knigi abbata Zhan Shapp d’Otrosh (Jean Chappe d Auteroche ). eng Women in Siberia. An engraving from the book of Abbot Jean Chappe dAuteroche. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $599 Add to cart
translit Almanach des Muses, 1768. (Almanakh Muz. 1768). (Na fr. yazyke). eng Almanach des Muses. (Almanac Muse). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $599 Add to cart
translit Sbornik imperatorskogo russkogo istoricheskogo obshchestva. Tom vosem'desyat sed'moy eng Compilation of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Volume Eighty-Seven In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1768 $599 Add to cart
translit Griner, Hermenegild Maria. Predigten, oder Sittenreden uber das bittere Leiden unsers Erlosers Jesu Christi. Propovedi, vystupleniya ili nravstvennosti o gorkikh stradaniyakh nashego Iisusa Khrista. eng Griner, Hermenegild Maria. Predigten, oder Sittenreden uber das bittere Leiden unsers Erlosers Jesu Christi. Sermons, speeches, or morals on the bitter suffering of our Jesus Christ. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1768 $699 Add to cart
translit Ekaterina II. Ukaz E. I. V. Ekateriny II o pozhalovanii v chiny i zvaniya. Mart 1768 g. eng Catherine II. Ekaterina IIs decree on promotion to ranks and ranks. March 1768 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1768 $1099 Add to cart
translit Ekaterina II. Manifest E. I. V. Ekateriny II (Obyavlyaem chrez sie vsem Nashim vernym poddannym) «O nachatii voyny s Ottomanskoyu Portoyu». 18 noyabrya 1768 goda. eng Catherine II: The Manifesto of E.I. V. Catherine II (with this proclamation to all Our Loyal Subjects): On the Beginning of War with the Ottoman Porta on November 18. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1768 $1499 Add to cart
translit Kratkoe nastavlenie vybrannoe iz luchshikh avtorov s nekotorymi fizicheskimi primechaniyami o vospitanii detey ot rozhdeniya ikh do yunoshestva. eng Brief guide selected from the best authors with some physical notes on the upbringing of children from birth to adolescence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $1599 Add to cart
translit Sumarokov A. P. Pervyy i glavnyy streletskiy bunt byvshiy v Moskve v 1682 v mesyatse maii. eng Sumarokov A.P. The first and main Streletsky revolt took place in Moscow in 1682 in the month of May. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $1699 Add to cart
translit Terrason Zhan eng per.: Fon Vizin D. Geroyskaya dobrodetel', ili Zhizn' Sifa, tsarya egipetskago, iz tainstvennykh svidetel'stv Drevnyago Egipta, vzyataya. Perevod i predislovie: Denis fon Vizin. V 4-kh chastyakh. (V nalichii Ch. I, III, IV)./Terrason Jean / pen: Von Wiesin D. Heroic Virtue, or The Life of Seth, King of Egypt, from the mysterious testimonies of Ancient Egypt, taken. Translation and preface: Denis von Wiesin. In 4 parts. (Available pp. I, III, IV). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $1699 Add to cart
translit Agentov, M.I. Otkrytie sokrovennykh khudozhestv, sluzhashchee dlya fabrikantov, manufakturistov, khudozhnikov, masterovykh lyudey i dlya ekonomii. V 3-kh chastyakh. Chast' I. eng Agents, M.I. The discovery of hidden arts, serving for manufacturers, manufacturers, artists, craftsmen, and for economy. In 3 parts. Part I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $1899 Add to cart
translit Rossiyskaya istoriya zhizni vsekh drevnikh ot samago nachala Rossii gosudarey, vse velikiya i vechnoy dostoynyya pamyati imperatora Petra Velikago deystviya, ego naslednits i naslednikov emu posledovanie i opisanie v Severe zlatago veka vo vremya tsarstvovaniya Ekaterin eng The Russian history of the life of all ancient rulers from the very beginning of Russia, all great and eternal worthy of the memory of Emperor Peter the Great, his heirs and successors, his follow and description in the North of the Golden Age during Catherine's reign In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $2299 Add to cart
translit Gmelin, Iogann Georg eng Johann Georg Gmelin. Flora Sibirica, sive, Historia plantarum Sibiriae / Flora Sibiri, ili Istoriya sibirskikh rasteniy./Gmelin, Johann Georg Gmelin. Flora Sibirica, sive, Historia plantarum Sibiriae, or History of Siberian Plants. In Latin (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $2499 Add to cart
translit Euler L., Lettres a une princesse de Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie. Tome 2, 1768. eng Euler L., Letters To a Princess of Germany on Various Subjects of Physics and Philosophy. Vol. 2. In French. Publication date: 1768 $2500 Add to cart
translit Geral'dika i gerbovedenie. Detskiy atlas ili novoy udobnoy sposob k izucheniyu geografii. Tom pervyy. eng Heraldry and Herbology. A children's atlas or a new convenient way to study geography. Volume one. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $2799 Add to cart
translit Grotsiy G. Perevedeno Moskovskogo Bol'shogo Uspenskogo sobora klyucharem Petrom Aleksievym Istinnoe blagochestie khristianskoe dokazano protiv bezbozhnikov, yazychnikov, zhidov i makhometan eng Grotius G. Translated by the Moscow Great Assumption Cathedral by the key Peter Alexiev True Christian piety is proved against atheists, pagans, yids, and mahometans In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $3099 Add to cart
translit Fischer Johann Eberhard eng Fisher I.E. Sibirische Geschichte / Sibirskaya Istoriya / V 2-kh tomakh./Fischer Johann Eberhard / Fischer I.E. Sibirische Geschichte / Siberian History / In 2 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $4099 Add to cart
translit Kaskad. 1768 god. Gravyura. eng Cascade. 1768. Engraving. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $4399 Add to cart
translit Dimitriy Rostovskiy. Letopis', soderzhit deyaniya ot nachala mirobytiya do rozhdestva Khristova, vkrattse sobrannye iz razlichnykh khronografiy i i istoriografov grecheskikh, slavenskikh, rimskikh, pol'skikh, evreyskikh i inykh. eng Dimitri Rostovsky. The chronicle contains deeds from the beginning of the world to the birth of Christ, summarized from various chronographs and historians of Greek, Slavonic, Roman, Polish, Jewish, and others. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1768 $5999 Add to cart