translit Shtoy, I.Z. Nachalnoe rukovodstvo k nastavleniyu yunoshestva, ili Pervye ponyatiya o veshchakh vsyakogo rodu, vybrannye iz Bazedova, Perolta i drugikh luchshikh sochiniteley, pisavshikh o vospitanii, predstavlennye v kartinakh i raspolozhennye sistematicheskim poryadkom 1812 g. Moskva eng Shtoi, I.Z. Initial Guide to the Teaching of Youth, or The First Concepts of Things of All Kinds, Selected from Basedov, Perolt, and Other Best Writers of Education, Presented in Pictures, and in Systematic Order 1812 Moscow Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit 1812 Turkey Ottoman Empire Fashion History Suit History Ottoman Empire 27 GRAVYUR In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng 1812 god Turtsiya Osmanskaya Imperiya Istoriya moda Kostyum History Ottoman Empire 27 GRAVYuR Publication date: 1812 $699 Add to cart
translit Damaze de Raymond. Rossiya. Rossika. Kartiny istorii, geografii, voennogo dela i nravov Rossiyskoy imperii. a frantsuzskom yazyke. V dvukh tomakh. eng Damaze de Raymond. Russia. Russia. Paintings of the history, geography, military affairs and mores of the Russian empire. In French. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $699 Add to cart
translit Bogdanovich M. I. Istoriya tsarstvovaniya Imperatora Aleksandra I i Rossii v ego vremya. eng Bogdanovich M. I. History of the reign of Emperor Alexander I and Russia in his time. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $799 Add to cart
translit Description of the Patriotic War of 1812 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky 1840 Napoleon In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Opisanie Otechestvennaya voyna 1812 g Mikhaylovskiy-Danilevskiy 1840 g Napoleon Publication date: 1812 $899 Add to cart
translit Voenskiy K. Otechestvennaya voyna v russkoy zhurnalistike. eng The Patriotic War in Russian Journalism. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $899 Add to cart
translit E. F. Zyablovskiy Kurs vseobshchey istorii, chitannyy na publichnykh lektsiyakh, uchrezhdennykh pri Sanktpeterburgskom Pedagogicheskom Institute dlya chinovnikov, obyazannykh Grazhdanskoyu sluzhboyu. Chast 3 eng E. F. Zyablovsky General History Course, delivered at public lectures established at the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute for civil servants. Part 3 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $899 Add to cart
translit Trudy Obshchestva Lyubiteley Rossiyskoy Slovesnosti, pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete. Chast Pervaya. eng Proceedings of the Society of Lovers of Russian Words, at Imperial Moscow University. Part One. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $999 Add to cart
translit Carte Generale de LEmpire de Russie (Generalnaya karta Rossiyskoy Imperii). eng Carte Generale de LEmpire de Russie. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1199 Add to cart
translit Matthew Peken On the Preservation of Health and Life Part 1 of the 2nd Edition of 1812 Medicine In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Matvey Peken O sokhranenii zdraviya i zhizni Chast' 1 Izdanie 2-e 1812g. Meditsina Publication date: 1812 $1299 Add to cart
translit Spisok sostoyashchim v grazhdanskoy sluzhbe chinam pervykh pyati klassov na 1811 god. eng List of civil servants in the first five grades for the year 1811. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1299 Add to cart
translit ARTILLERIST REFERENCES FROM 1812 TO 1816 MOSCOW 1835 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng POKhODNYE ZAPISKI ARTILLERISTA S 1812 PO 1816 GOD MOSKVA 1835 Publication date: 1812 $1499 Add to cart
translit Carte de lEmpire de Russie. Carte de la Russie dEurope (Karta Evropeyskoy chasti Rossii) eng Carte de lEmpire de Russie. Carte de la Russie dEurope In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1499 Add to cart
translit Levesque P-C. Histoire de Russie, et des principales nations de lempire Russe. T. 1-5, 7. eng Levesque P-C. Histoire de Russie, et des principales nations de lempire Russe. T. 1-5, 7. In French (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1499 Add to cart
translit Masonskie plachi Plach Eduarda Yunga, ili Noshchnye razmyshleniya o zhizni, smerti i bessmertii. V devyati noshchakh pomeshchennye. V 2 ch. Ch. 1-2. eng The Freemasonry Weeping of Edward Jung, or Night Reflections on Life, Death, and Immortality In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1499 Add to cart
translit Na konchinu Ego Siyatelstva Generala ot infanterii Knyazya Petra Ivanovicha Bagrationa. eng On the passing of His Radiance General from the infantry of Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $1499 Add to cart
translit Stoletie Otechestvennoy Voyny 1812-1912 g. V chetyrekh otdelakh (polnyy komplekt). eng Centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812-1912 in four departments (complete set). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $1699 Add to cart
translit The Abbreviated History of Armenia by Michael Chamchyan 1812 Venice in Armenian In Armenian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sokrashchyonnaya Istoriya Armenii Mikael Chamchyan 1812 g Venetsiya na armyanskom yazyke Publication date: 1812 $2399 Add to cart
translit Reykhard. Atlas Evropy, portativnyy i dorozhnyy, chtoby sluzhit' dlya rukovodstva puteshestvennikov, sostavlennyy iz devyati bol'shikh kart puti. eng Reichard. Atlas of Europe, portable and road to serve as a guide for travelers, composed of nine large maps of the path. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $2399 Add to cart
translit Sarychev G.A. Morskiy atlas vsego Baltiyskago morya s Finskim zalivom i Kategatom; zaklyuchayushchiy v sebe General'nuyu merkatorskuyu i 12 chastnykh kart s vidami beregov. eng Sarychev G.A. Marine Atlas of the whole Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Finland and Kategat; comprising a General Mercatory and 12 private maps with views of the coasts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $2499 Add to cart