translit Granovsky T.N. Works of 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Granovskiy T.N. Sochineniya 1856 Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit The Classical V.I. Pompeii and the Antiquities Discovered in it, with an Essay on Vesuvius and Herculaneum. 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Klassovskiy V. I. Pompeya i Otkrytye v ney Drevnosti, s ocherkom Vezuviya i Gerkulanuma. 1856 Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Koltsov A. Koltsov's Poems. Moscow: Edition by K.Soldatenkov and N.Shchepkin. 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Kol'tsov A. Stikhotvoreniya Kol'tsova. M.: Izdanie K.Soldatenkova i N.Shchepkina. 1856g. Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit WING WORLD SEVASTOPOL Balaclava 4 Maps 1 Map 46-38 see 7 engravings from 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng KRYMSKAYa Voyna KRYM SEVASTOPOL' Balaklava 4 Karty 1 Karta 46-38 sm. 7 gravyur 1856 g. Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Spelling Dictionary Russian-French-German-English Dictionary. 1856. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Orfograficheskiy slovar' russko-frantsuzsko-nemetsko-angliyskiy slovar'. 1856. Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit An Essay on Napoleon's Three-Week Campaign Against Prussia in 1806, Clothes, Armaments, Management. 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Ocherk trekhnedel'nogo pokhoda Napoleona protiv Prussii v 1806 g. Odezhda, vooruzhenie, upravlenie. 1856 Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Sologub Works 4 Volume Up to 540 Pages 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sologub Sochineniya 4 tom Do 540 stranitsy 1856 g. Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Sukhomlinov, M.I. On the ancient Russian chronicle as a literary monument. 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sukhomlinov, M.I. O drevney russkoy letopisi, kak pamyatnike literaturnom. 1856 Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit The encyclopedic treatment of pets and backyard birds, St. Petersburg, 1856 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Entsiklopedicheskiy lechebnik domashnikh zhivotnykh i dvorovykh ptits C.-Peterburg g. Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Voennyy Entsiklopedicheskiy Leksikon, izdavaemyy Obshchestvom Voennykh i Literatorov i posvyashchennyy Ego Imperatorskomu Velichestvu… Aleksandru Nikolaevichu. Tom XI. eng Military Encyclopedic Lexicon, published by the Society of Military and Literary Writers, dedicated to His Imperial Majesty Alexander Nikolaevich. Volume XI. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Gagarin G. G. Kratkaya khronologicheskaya tablitsa v posobie istorii vizantiyskogo iskusstva. eng Gagarin G. G. Brief chronological table in the manual of the history of Byzantine art. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Gogol Nikolay. Sochineniya Gogolya v 6 tomakh. Tom 5. Stati iz Arabeskov. Zhurnalnye stati. Neizdannye proizvedeniya. eng Gogol Nikolai. Gogols writings in 6 volumes. Volume 5. Articles from Arabeski. Journal articles. Unpublished works. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Granovskiy T. N. Sochineniya T. N. Granovskogo eng Granovsky T. N. Writing by T. N. Granovsky In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Zhurnal Russkaya beseda. eng Journal of Russian Conversation. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Zapiski Imperatorskogo Arkheologicheskogo obshchestva. Tom VIII. eng Notes of the Imperial Archaeological Society. Volume VIII. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Koksharov N. Materialy dlya mineralogii Rossii. eng N. Koksharov Materials for Mineralogy of Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Koltsov A. Stikhotvoreniya Koltsova. S portretom avtora, ego faksimile i statey o ego zhizni i sochineniyakh, pisannoyu V. Belinskim. eng Koltsov A. Koltsovs Poems. With a portrait of the author, his fax and an article about his life and works written by V. Belinsky. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Kudryavtsev P. N. Rimskie zhenshchiny. Istoricheskie rasskazy po Tatsitu. eng P. N. Kudryavtsevs Roman Women. Tacitus Stories. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Porfiriy Uspenskiy, arkhimadrit. Puteshestvie po Egiptu i v monastyri Svyatogo Antoniya Velikogo i prepodobnogo Pavla Fiveyskogo, v 1850 godu eng Porphyrius of the Assumption, Archimandrite. Journey through Egypt and to the monasteries of St. Anthony the Great and St. Paul of Thebes, in 1850 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart
translit Prepodobnogo ottsa nashego Avvy Dorofeya dushepoleznye poucheniya i poslaniya, s prisovokupleniem voprosov ego i otvetov, dannykh na onye svyatymi Startsami Varsanufiem Velikim i Ioannom Prorokom. eng Our Venerable Father Abba Dorotheus has useful teachings and epistles, with the addition of his questions and answers given by the Holy Elders Barsanutheus the Great and John the Prophet. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1856 $599 Add to cart