translit Konvolyut:. Delo po obvineniyu A. O. Mordvin-Shchodro i Kn. D. D. Obolenskogo v rastrate arestovannykh skakovykh loshadey. M., 1895. Lyutsinskoe delo po obvineniyu Lotsovykh, Gurevicha i Maikh v ubiystve M. Drich. S.Pb., 1885. Delo Orlova, obvinyavshegosya v ubiystve khoristki imp. teatr eng Convolutee:. The case against A. O. Mordvin-Shchoudro and K. D. Obolensky for embezzlement of arrested racehorses. M.. The Lucinskoe case against the Lotsovs, Gurevich, and Maikh for the murder of M. Drich. St. Petersburg. The case of Orlov, accused of the murder of the choir of the Impact Theatre. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Krylov A. E. Tolkovyy pismovnik. Polnoe sobranie vsekh aktov, dogovorov, obyazatelstv, prosheniy i pisem na vse sluchai zhizni s podrobnym nastavleniem kak ikh sostavlyat, komu i kuda podavat. V trekh chastyakh. eng Krylov A. E. Interpretative Letters. Complete collection of all acts, contracts, obligations, petitions and letters for all occasions of life, with detailed instructions on how to compile them, to whom and where to submit them. In three parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Priroda i okhota: Komplekt dvukh vypuskov za 1885 god. # 1 — 2 eng Nature and Hunting: A Set of Two Issues from 1885. # 1 # 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Davout, Louis Nicolas. Correspondance du marechal Davout, prince dEckmuhl. Ses commandements, son ministere. 1801-1815. En 4 t. T. I-IV. Komplekt. eng Davout, Louis Nicolas. Correspondence du marechal Davout, prince de Eckmuhl. Ses commandments, son ministere. 1801-1815. En 4 t. T. I-IV. Kit. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit A. L. (Arkhimandrit Leonid Kavelin L. A. ) Abkhaziya i v ney Novo-Afonskiy Simono-Kananitskiy monastyr. eng A. L. (Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin L.A.) Abkhazia and in it the Novo-Athos Simo-Kananitsky Monastery. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Akhverdov I. Armeniya v pyatom veke. eng I. Akhverdov Armenia in the Fifth Century. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Batyushkov K. N. Sochineniya K. N. Batyushkova. Tom 2. eng Batyushkov K. N. Writing by K. N. Batyushkov. Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Bibliograf. 1885 g. (godovoy kompl. ) eng Bibliographer. 1885 (annual compilation) In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Bibliograf. Vestnik literatury, nauki i iskusstva. eng Bibliographer. Bulletin of Literature, Science and Art. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Markevich B.M. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy B.M. Markevicha: Komplekt dvukh tomov v odnom pereplete: Tom pervyy: Tipy proshlogo; Dve maski. — Tom vtoroy: Zabytyy vopros. eng Markiewicz B.M. Complete collection of works by Markiewicz: A set of two volumes in one cover: Volume One: Types of the Past; Two masks. Volume Two: The Forgotten Question. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Petrushevskiy A. Rasskazy pro Petra Velikogo i ego vremya. Udostoeno dvukh premiy. eng Petrushevsky A. Stories about Peter the Great and His Time. Recipient of two prizes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Yazykov D.D. Obzor zhizni i trudov pokoynykh russkikh pisateley eng D.D. Languages Overview of the Life and Works of the Late Russian Writers Publication date: 1885 $599 Add to cart
translit Statisticheskij ezhegodnik Moskovskoj gubernii za 1884-1885 gody.: Vypusk II-j. Obshhejekonomicheskij otdel. In Russian eng Statistical Yearbook Moscow province for 1884-1885 years.: Issue II-1st. general Department. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit 1885 Zbіrnik Tvorіv M.L.Kropivnickogo In Ukrainian (ask us if in doubt) eng 1885 Zbіrnik Tvorіv M.L.Kropivnickogo In Ukrainian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit D. Blagovo Stories of my grandmother in 1885, edited by Suvorin In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng D.Blagovo Rasskazy babushki 1885 g. izd. Suvorina Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit Volkov V. V. Ulozhenie o nakazaniyakh ugolovnykh i ispravitelnykh. eng Volkov V. V. Regulations on Criminal and Correctional Punishments. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit Garshin V. M. Vtoraya knizhka rasskazov. eng Garshin V. M. The Second Book of Stories. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit Garshin V. M. Pervaya knizhka rasskazov. eng Garshin V. M. The First Book of Stories. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit Gershteker F. Vselennaya. Rasskazy dlya detey iz fizicheskoy, matematicheskoy i politicheskoy geografii eng Gerstecker F. The Universe: Stories for Children from Physical, Mathematical, and Political Geography In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart
translit Gnedich P. Istoriya iskusstv. eng Nnedic P. History of Art. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $699 Add to cart