translit Krafft-Ebing d-r. O zdorovykh i bolnykh nervakh. eng Kraft-Ebing Dr. On healthy and sick nerves. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Sakharov I. P. Skazaniya russkogo naroda 2ch. v 1-m per. eng Sakharov I. P. The Tales of the Russian People 2h in the 1st Per. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Stukolkin L. P. Opytnyy rasporyaditel i prepodavatel balnykh tantsev: obshchedostupnoe rukovodstvo k izucheniyu vsekh obshchestvennykh tantsev i rukovodstvo dlya rasporyaditeley na balakh i semeynykh vecherakh s ukazatelem figur dlya kadrili, kotilona i mazurki eng Stukolkin L.P. Experienced steward and ballroom dance teacher: a publicly available guide to the study of all social dances and a guide for stewards at balls and family evenings with an index of figures for cadrile, cotillion and mazurka In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Kholmogorovy, V i G. Seletskaya desyatina (Moskovskogo uezda). eng Kholmogorovs, V and G. Seletskaya tithe (Moscow Uyezd). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Antonovich V. B. Materialy k istorii Zapadnoy i Yugo-Zapadnoy Rossii. Tom I. eng Antonovich V. B. Materials to the History of Western and South-Western Russia. Volume I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Marks, Karl. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoy ekonomii. T. 2: Protsess obrashcheniya kapitala. eng Marx, Karl. Capital. Criticism of Political Economy. Vol. 2: The Process of Circulation of Capital. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit Pamyatniki Russkoy Stariny v zapadnykh guberniyakh. Vypusk vosmoy. Kholmskaya Rus (Lyublinskaya i Sedletskaya gub., Varshavskogo General-Gubernatorstva). eng Monuments of the Russian Old Lady in the Western Governorates. Issue 8. Kholm Russia (Lublin and Sedletskaya lips, Warsaw Governorate-General). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1099 Add to cart
translit G.A. Leer Encyclopedia of Military and Marine Sciences. 1885. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng G.A. Leer Entsiklopediya voennykh i morskikh nauk. 1885g. Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Mammals in Karl Vogt's descriptions and Friedrich Specht's paintings. 1885 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Mlekopitayushchie v opisaniyakh Karla Fogta i kartinakh Fridrikha Shpekhta. 1885 g. Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Reinvot E. Eng. Textbook of Chemical Technology. 1885. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Reynvot E. inzh.-tekh. Uchebnik khimicheskoy tekhnologii. 1885g. Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Gulevich S. Istoricheskaya zapiska o 50 letii Moskovskoy 2 y gimnazii. 1835 1885 eng Gulevich S. Historical Note on the 50th Anniversary of the Moscow Second Gymnasium. 1835 1885 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Dobrolyubov Ioann, svyashch. Istoriko statisticheskoe opisanie tserkvey i monastyrey Ryazanskoy eparkhii, nyne sushchestvuyushchikh i uprazdnennykh, s spiskami ikh nastoyateley za XVII, XVIII i XIX st. i bibliograficheskimi ukazaniyami. Tom vtoroy eng Dobrolyubov John, St. John, Historically Statistical Description of Churches and Monasteries of the Ryazan Diocese, Present and Abolished, with Lists of Their Superiors for the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries and Bibliographic Directions. Volume Two In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Illyustrov I. Yuridicheskie poslovitsy i pogovorki russkogo naroda. eng Illustration I. Legal proverbs and proverbs of the Russian people. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Kovalevskiy P. I. Psikhiatriya. eng Kovalevsky P. I. Psychiatry. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Skazaniya russkogo naroda. eng Tales of the Russian people. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Shtolts V. I. Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu Sudebnoy Meditsiny dlya Yuristov. eng Stoltz V. I. A Guide to Forensic Medicine for Lawyers. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Abozin I. I. Kurovodstvo. Podrobnoe opisanie kur razlichnykh porod, s izlozheniem pravil ukhoda za nimi… eng Abozin I. I. Resorts. Detailed description of chickens of different breeds, with rules for their care. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Barbashev A. I. Vitovt i ego politika do Gryunvaldenskoy bitvy (1410 g. ) eng Barbashev A. I. Vitaut and his politics before the Battle of Grünwalden (1410) In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Brikner A. G. Illyustrirovannaya istoriya Ekateriny II. eng Brickner A. G. Illustrated History of Catherine II. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart
translit Brikner A. G. Istoriya Ekateriny Vtoroy. eng Brickner A. G. The Story of Catherine the Second. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1885 $1199 Add to cart