translit Markevich, B.M. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy B. Markevicha. V 11 t. eng Markevich, B.M. Complete collection of works by B. Markevich. In 11 Vol. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $2499 Add to cart
translit Mel'nikov-Pecherskiy. Na gorakh. eng Melnikov-Pechersky. On the mountains. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $2499 Add to cart
translit Tokmakov I.F., Antushev N. Istoricheskoe opisanie Moskovskogo Novodevich'ego monastyrya. eng Tokmakov I. F., Antushev N. Historical description of the Moscow Novodevichy Monastery. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $2499 Add to cart
translit Frug S. G. Stikhotvoreniya. eng Frug S. G. Poems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $2499 Add to cart
translit Antique Book, Rare Edition 1885, Moscow. Sinoid Printing. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Antikvarnaya kniga, redkoe izdanie 1885 g. Moskva. Sinoidal'naya Tipografiya. Publication date: 1885 $2799 Add to cart
translit Shveyger-Lerkhenfel'd A.F. Zhenshchina. Ee zhizn', nravy i obshchestvennoe polozhenie u vsekh narodov zemnogo shara. eng Schweiger-Lerchenfeld A.F. Woman. Her life, mores, and social standing in all the peoples of the world. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $2899 Add to cart
translit Leont'ev K. N. Vostok, Rossiya i slavyanstvo 2t. v 1-m per. eng Leontev K. N. Vostok, Russia and Slavanism 2. in 1st Per. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3099 Add to cart
translit Antushev N. Istoricheskoe opisanie Moskovskogo Novodevich'ego monastyrya. S 2 vidami monastyrya, 2 snimkami drevnikh ikon, i 2 portretami eng Antushev N. Historical description of the Moscow Novodevichy Monastery. With 2 views of the monastery, 2 pictures of ancient icons, and 2 portraits In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3199 Add to cart
translit Rishe Sharl'. Somnambulizm, demonizm i yady intellekta. eng Riche Charles. Dounambulism, demonism, and the poisons of intelligence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3199 Add to cart
translit Solov'ev E.T. O tamgakh ili znakakh sobstvennosti na nekotorykh predmetakh drevnego byta. Znaki sobstvennosti v Rossii eng E.T. Solovyov On tamgs or property marks on certain objects of ancient life. Property marks in Russia In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3199 Add to cart
translit Yazykov D.D. Obzor zhizni i trudov pokoynykh russkikh pisateley. 13 vypuskov. (Komplekt). eng D.D. Languages Review of the Life and Works of the Late Russian Writers. 13 Issues. (Set). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3199 Add to cart
translit E. P. Karnovich Zamechatel'nye bogatstva chastnykh lits v Rossii. eng E. P. Karnovich Remarkable Wealth of Individuals in Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3299 Add to cart
translit Barats S.M. Polnyy kurs kommercheskoy korrespondentsii. eng Baratz S.M. Complete course of commercial correspondence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3299 Add to cart
translit Istoricheskiy ocherk pyatidesyatiletnego sushchestvovaniya Moskovskogo meshchanskogo muzhskogo uchilishcha, osnovannogo Moskovskim kupecheskim obshchestvom v pamyat' sovershennoletiya ego imperatorskogo vysochestva gosudarya naslednika tsesarevicha Aleksandra Nikolaevicha. eng Historical sketch of the fifty-year existence of the Moscow philistine men's school, founded by the Moscow Merchant Society in memory of the coming of age of its imperial Highness, Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich Caesarevich. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3299 Add to cart
translit Polevoy P.N. Khudozhestvennaya Rossiya: Obshchedostupnoe opisanie nashego otechestva. Tom pervyy eng Field P.N. Artistic Russia: A Public Description of Our Motherland. Volume One In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3299 Add to cart
translit Golyshev I.A. Albom risunkov rukopisnykh sinodikov Vyaznikovskogo Blagoveshchenskogo monastyrya 1651, 1679 i 1686 gg. eng Golyshev I.A. An album of drawings by the handwritten synodics of the Vyaznikovsky Monastery of Blagoveshchensk in and 1686 Publication date: 1885 $3299 Add to cart
translit Brikner A.G. Illyustrirovannaya Istoriya Ekateriny Vtoroy. V 3-kh knigakh, 5-ti chastyakh. eng A.G. Brickner Illustrated Story of Catherine the Second. In 3 books, 5 parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3499 Add to cart
translit K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin Russkaya istoriya. V 2-kh tomakh eng K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin Russian History. In 2 Volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3499 Add to cart
translit Gel'val'd Fridrikh fon. Estestvennaya istoriya plemen i narodov. (V 2-kh tomakh). Tom I. eng Gelwald Friedrich von. The Natural History of Tribes and Peoples (2 Volumes). Volume I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3599 Add to cart
translit Antonovich V.B., V.A. Bets Istoricheskie deyateli Yugo-Zapadnoy Rossii v biografiyakh i portretakh. Vypusk 1 eng Antonovich V.B., V.A. Betz Historical figures of South-West Russia in biographies and portraits. Issue 1 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1885 $3599 Add to cart