translit Resolutions relating to the actions of provincial boards and county chiefs - 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Postanovleniya, otnosyashchiesya k deystviyam gubernskikh pravleniy i uezdnykh nachal'nikov - 1866 g. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit RESTAURANT Edition 1866 of the Works of D.I. Pisarev, Part Three of Pavlenkov's Edition In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng PRIZhIZNENNOE IZDANIE 1866 g. Sochineniya D.I. Pisareva chast' tret'ya izd. Pavlenkova Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Renan, Ernest. On the Origin of Language. 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Renan, Ernest. O proiskhozhdenii yazyka. 1866 g. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit System Index of the Decisions of the Senate from 1866 to 1885 Concerning the Law of Bills eng 1886 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sistem. ukazatel' resheniy senta s 1866 g. po 1885 g., kasayushchikhsya veksel'nogo prava / 1886 g Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Works by T.N. Granovsky. Part I. 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sochineniya T.N. Granovskogo. Chast' I. 1866 Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Works by T.N. Granovsky, T.N. Granovsky, Part 1. Moscow 1866 L 999 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sochineniya T.N.Granovskogo, T.N. Granovskiy, chast' 1. Moskva 1866g. l 999 Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Works by T.N. Granovsky, T.N. Granovsky, Part 2. Moscow 1866 L 1000 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sochineniya T.N.Granovskogo, T.N. Granovskiy, chast' 2. Moskva 1866g. l 1000 Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Staniewicz Mechanics of Human Elbows Dissertation 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Stanevich Mekhanika loktevogo sochleneniya cheloveka Dissertatsiya 1866 g. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Tyndall J. Alpine Glaciers. 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Tindall' Dzh. Al'piyskie ledniki. 1866 Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Fenimore James Cooper in German. 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Fenimor Dzheyms Kuper na nemetskom. 1866 Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit The human race. 1866. Improvement and degeneration. Judaism. Florinsky. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Chelovecheskiy rod. 1866g. Usovershenstvovanie i vyrozhdenie. Iudaika. Florinskiy. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Millennium Epic: Hippolyte Zavalishin's Pilgrimage: 862-1862: In Verses (incomplete).1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Epopeya tysyacheletiya: Palomnichestvo Ippolita Zavalishina: 862-1862: V stikhakh (nekomplekt).1866g. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Yakimov P. Five parts of the world Guide to studying geography, St. Petersburg, 1866, 336c. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Yakimov P. Pyat' chastey sveta Rukovodstvo dlya izucheniya geografii, SPbg., 336s. Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Iosseliani Platon. (Ioseliani). Rod knyazey Cholakaevykh i Muchenik Sv. Bidzina Cholakaev. eng Josseliani Plato. (Josseliani). The clan of the princes Cholakaev and the Martyr of St. Bidzin Cholakaev. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Pisarev D. Sochineniya tom 7-8. eng Pisarev D. Works Volume 7-8. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Chteniya v Imperatorskom Obshchestve Istorii i drevnostey Rossiyskikh pri Moskovskom Universitete.1866. Aprel-Iyun. eng Readings at the Imperial Society of History and Antiquities of Russia at Moscow University. 1866. April-June. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Duehring E. (Dyuring E.) Kritische Grundlegung Der Volkswirtschaftslehre. (Kriticheskie osnovopolozheniya ucheniya o narodnom khozyaystve). eng Duehring E. Kritische Grundlegung Der Volkswirtschaftslehre. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Angelon E.A., D.-M. La Verite sur la fuite et larrestation de Louis XVI a Varennes. eng Angelon E.A., D.-M. La Verite sur la fuite et larrestation de Louis XVI a Varennes. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Moleschott, Jac. Circulation de la Vie. In 2 t. T. I-II. eng Moleschott, Jac. Circulation de la Vie. In 2 t. T. I-II. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart
translit Delvau A. Les heures parisiennes. eng Delvau A. Les heures parisiennes. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1866 $399 Add to cart