translit Geodezist. Nauchno-tehnicheskij i proizvodstvennyj zhurnal.1940g.№1-12(Godovoj komplekt) In Russian eng Geodezist. Scientific-technical and production magazine.1940g.№1-12(Annual set) In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Danilevskij V.V. Polzunov I.I. Trudy i zhizn pervogo russkogo teplotehnika In Russian eng Danilevsky Crawlers and.and. Proceedings and life first Russian heating In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Danilevskij V.V. Polzunov I.I. Trudy i zhizn pervogo russkogo teplotehnika In Russian eng Danilevsky Crawlers and.and. Proceedings and life first Russian heating In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Docent Tajc B.A. Sbornik zadach po teorii mehanizmov i mashin. In Russian eng Associate Tayts B.A. Collection problems the theory mechanisms and machines. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Zimin A. Raschet i konstrukciya kuznechnyh mashin. Chast 1 Paro-vozdushnye moloty. In Russian eng Zimin A. of and design forging machines. Part 1 Paro-air moloty. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Zolotarskij A.F. Voprosy postrojki i rekonstrukcii zheleznodorozhnogo puti dlya bolshih skorostej. In Russian eng Zolotarskij A.F. Questions construction and reconstruction of way for large speeds. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Zytner A.Ya. Luzhenie metallicheskih izdelij. In Russian eng Zytner A.I. Luzhenie metal products. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Izraelit G. Sh. Rudnik L. N. Shannikov V. M. Mehanicheskie ispytaniya reziny, jebonita i plastmass. In Russian eng Izraelit Mr.. w. stokehold a. H. Shannikov in. M. Mechanical tests rubber, jebonita and plastic. In Russian, Leningrad Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit K.A. Strizh, professor. Korabelnye vspomogatelnye mehanizmy. Chast V. Holodilnye ustanovki. In Russian eng K.A. Swift, Professor. Korabelnye auxiliary mechanisms. Part V. Holodilnye installation. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Kozmin P.A., Jejdus P.T., Barer G.O., Kozmina E.P. Mukomolnoe proizvodstvo. In Russian eng Kozmin P.A., Èidus P.T., Barer Mr..About., Kozmina E.P. Mukomolnoe production. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Kopev S. Teplofikaciya. Teplopotreblenie. Teplovye seti. In Russian eng Kopiev C. district. Teplopotreblenie. Teplovye network. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Krejter V. M., prof. Poiski i razvedki poleznyh iskopaemyh. In Russian eng crater in. M., Prof.. The and intelligence useful fossil. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Lektorskij D. Propitka drevesiny. In Russian eng Lektorsky D. Propitka wood. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Limarenko A. N.. Teploizmeritelnye pribory na jelektrostanciyah. In Russian eng Limarenko A. H.. Teploizmeritelnye devices the power. In Russian, Leningrad Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Melnikov I.N. Sukonnoe pryadenie. In Russian eng Melnikov and.H. Sukonnoe Spinning. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Muravev V. I. Sborka sudovyh parovyh mashin i dvigatelej Dizelya. In Russian eng Ants in. and. a ship steam machines and engines diesel. In Russian, Petersburg Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Obergoffer P., d-r inzh. prof. Tehnicheskoe zhelezo: Stroenie i svojstva. In Russian eng Obergoffer P., o-r Ing. Prof.. Technical iron: structure and properties. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Orduyanc K., i dr. Proektirovaniya i vozvedeniya zemlyanogo polotna v osobyh usloviyah. In Russian eng Orduyanc K., and etc. Proektirovaniya and of roadbed paintings in special conditions. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Popov. Dobroserdov. Stabnikov. Specialnoe oborudovanie brodilnyh proizvodstv. In Russian eng Popov. Dobroserdov. Stabnikov. special equipment fermentation industries. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart
translit Ragozin N.A. Spravochnik po aviacionnym i avtomobilnym toplivam. In Russian eng Ragozin H.A. Directory the aviation and Automobile fuels. In Russian, Moscow Publication date: 1940 $199 Add to cart