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translit Ginzburg M. Ya. Arkhitektura sanatoriya NKTP v Kislovodske.
eng Ginzburg M. Ya. Architecture of the NKTP sanatorium in Kislovodsk.
Publication date: 2019

translit Grover K. Chto skryvayut shedevry. Iskusstvo v detalyakh.
eng Grovier K. What masterpieces hide. Art in detail.
Publication date: 2019

translit Vremennaya arkhitektura Parka Gorkogo.
eng Temporary architecture of Gorky Park.
Publication date: 2019

translit Glazkov V.V., Popov S.A. Moskovskaya stolichnaya politsiya 1649-1917.
eng V.V. Glazkov, S.A. Popov Moscow Metropolitan Police 1649-1917.
Publication date: 2019

translit Glazkov V., Popov S. Moskovskaya stolichnaya politsiya.
eng V. Glazkov, S. Popov Moscow Metropolitan Police.
Publication date: 2019

translit Gertsen A. A., Nesterova T. P., Paskar E. G., Telnov N. P. Na perekrestke tsivilizatsiy: prostranstvo, vremya, nasledie. Noveyshie istoriko-geograficheskie issledovaniya nekotorykh pamyatnikov Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomorya.
eng Herzen A. A., Nesterova T. P., Paskar E. G., Telnov N. P. At the Crossroads of Civilizations: Space, Time, Heritage. Recent Historical and Geographic Investigations of Some Monuments of the North-West Black Sea Region.
Publication date: 2019

translit Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii (noyabr 1917-dekabr 1922 g.): sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem.
eng Civil War in Eastern Russia (November 1917-December 1922): a collection of materials from the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation.
Publication date: 2019

translit Voennaya arkheologiya: Sbornik materialov nauchnogo seminara. Vyp. 5. V chest 90-letiya vydayushchegosya otechestvennogo oruzhieveda doktora istoricheskikh nauk A. N. Kirpichnikova.
eng Military Archaeology: A collection of materials from a scientific seminar. Issue 5. In honor of the 90th anniversary of the outstanding Russian weapons scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, A. N. Kirpichnikov.
Publication date: 2019

translit De Vini, Alfred. Sen-Mar, ili Zagovor vo vremena Lyudovika XIII.
eng De Vigny, Alfred Saint-Mar, or the Conspiracy in the Time of Louis XIII.
Publication date: 2019

translit Grekov B.D. Pisma (1905-1952 gg.).
eng The Greek B.D. Letters (1905-1952).
Publication date: 2019

translit Gosudarstvennyy muzey-zapovednik Pavlovsk. Polnyy katalog kollektsiy. T. XV. Grafika. Vyp. 2. Arkhitekturnaya grafika KhIKh-nachala KhKh veka.
eng The State Museum-Reserve Pavlovsk. Complete catalogue of collections. Vol.XV. Graphics. Vol.2. Architectural graphics of the 19th-early 20th century.
Publication date: 2019

translit Ekaterinburg. Istoriya goroda v fotografii
eng Yekaterinburg. History of the city in pictures In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019