translit Tolmachev I.V. Pravoslavnoe Sobesedovatelnoe Bogoslovie ili Prakticheskaya Gomiletika. Tom 3. Nedeli triodi tsvetnoy. eng Tolmachev I.V. Orthodox Interview Theology or Practical Homiletics. Volume 3. The Weeks of the Color Triad. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Feofan. Vnutrennyaya zhizn. eng Theophane. The Inner Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Shulgin G. Morekhodnaya astronomiya. eng Shulgin G. Navigational astronomy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar Brokgauz i Efron. Tom 26. Rabochaya knizhka-Roza di Tivoli. eng Brockhaus and Ephrons Encyclopedic Dictionary. Volume 26. The Rosa di Tivoli Workbook. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Shopengauer Artur. Konvolyut: 1.Aforizmy zhiteyskoy mudrosti, 2. O genii. eng Arthur Schopenhauer. Convolutee: 1.The Aphorisms of Lifes Wisdom, 2. On Genius. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Tresi F. Psikhologiya pervogo (pervago) detstva. eng Tracy F. The Psychology of First (First) Childhood. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Toma E. Rim i imperiya v pervye dva veka novoy ery. eng Thomas E. Rome and Empire in the First Two Centuries of the New Era. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Engelgardt M. Progress kak evolyutsiya zhestokosti. eng Engelhardt M. Progress as the Evolution of Cruelty. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Trudy Imperatorskogo Sankt-Peterburgskogo obshchestva Estestvoispytateley. eng Proceedings of the Imperial St. Petersburg Society of Natural Testers. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Trudy Imperatorskogo S-Peterburgskogo obshchestva estestvoispytateley. eng Proceedings of the Imperial Society of Natural Scientists of St. Petersburg. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Chernyy L.A., Zarin A.E., Nazareva K.V. Konvolyut iz trekh izdaniy kriminalnogo i fantastich. soderzhaniya: 1. Chernyy L. V stolichnom tumane (roman). 2. Zarin A. Pod koren (roman). Pribor d-ra Arensa. Chernaya dama (r-zy). 3. Nazareva K. Po naklonnoy ploskosti (roman v 2 chastyakh. Ch.1 Prestuplenie. eng Cherny L.A., Zarin A.E., Nazaryeva K.V. Convolutee from three editions of criminal and fantastic content: 1. Cherny L. In the capital fog (novel). 2. Zarin A. Pod root (novel). Dr. Ahrenss device. The black lady (r-zy). 3. Nazaryeva K. On the sloping plane (novel in 2 parts. Part 1 Crime. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Vereshchagin V.V. Napoleon I V Rossii. V kartinakh V.V.Vereshchagina. eng Vereshchagin V.V. Napoleon I In Russia. In the paintings of V.V. Vereshchaginov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Jager O. Ieger Oskar. Weltgeschichte in vier Banden. Vseobshchaya istoriya v chetyrekh tomakh. eng Jager O. Ieger Oscar. Weltgeschichte in vier Banden. A general history in four volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Gruyer, F.A. Chantilly musee Conde notice des peintures(Shantili Muzey Konde Annotatsii k kartinam na fr.yaz. eng Gruyer, F.A. Chantilly museum Conde notice des peintures (Chantilly Museum Condé Annotations to paintings in French In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Anisimov Aleksandr,svyashchennik. Putevye zapiski russkogo pastyrya o svyashchennom Vostoke.V 2-kh chastyakh. eng Anisimov Alexander, priest. The Russian shepherds travel notes about the Holy East. In 2 parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Kraushara Alexandra. Bourboni na wygnaniu w Mitawie i Warszawie. eng Kraushara Alexandra. Bourboni na wygnaniu w Mitawie i Warszawie. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Der practische Maschinen Constructeur. Konstruktor mashin. 1899. eng Der practicsche Maschinen Constructeur. Machine Designer. 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Vodovozova E.N. Zhizn Evropeyskikh narodov.tom 2. eng Vodovozova E.N. The Life of European Peoples, Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Vysochayshe utverzhdennye 1-go avgusta 1898 Novye pravila ob isproshenii Vysochayshikh nagrad s dopolnitelnymi k etim pravilam uzakoneniyami. eng The New Rules on the Request of the Highest Decorations, approved on August 1, with additional provisions to these rules. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart
translit Veniamin Uiler. Aleksandr Velikiy. eng Benjamin Wheeler. Alexander the Great. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1899 $399 Add to cart