translit Gamilton Ya. Zapisnaya knizhka shtabnogo ofitsera vo vremya russko-yaponskoy voyny 1904-1905 gg. eng Hamilton Ya. Staff officers notebook during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Glushkovskiy A.P. Vospominaniya baletmeystera. eng Glushkovsky A.P. Memories of the Choreographer. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Gornye orlyata. eng Mountain eagles. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Gorokhov M. S., Sviridov L.I.,Oppokov G.,Gorokhov M. S. Trudy Nauchno-issledovatelskogo instituta matematiki i mekhaniki.Osnovnye voprosy vnutrenney balistiki. Dlya sluzhebnogo olzovaniya.Zakon obrazovani gazov v zavisimosti ot vremeni. Svyaz graficheskogo metoda integrirovaniya s chislennym. eng Gorokhov M. S., Sviridov L. I., Oppokov G., Gorokhov M. S. Proceedings of the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. Basic questions of internal balistics In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Gamaleya N. Uchebnik meditsinskoy mikrobiologii. eng Gamalea N. Medical Microbiology Textbook. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Illyustrason: Zhurnal. 7 Dekabrya 1940 g. LIllustration. 7 Decembre 1940. eng Illustration: Journal. December 7 LIllustration. December 7. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Dzhandieri M., Lezhava G. Arkhitektura gornykh rayonov Gruzii. Khevsuretiya, Yuzhnaya Osetiya, Gornaya Racha i Nizhnyaya Svanetiya. eng Jandieri M., Lezhava G. Architecture of the Mountain Regions of Georgia. Khevsuretiya, South Ossetia, Mountain Racha and Lower Svanetia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Ilin M. Vezdekhod. eng Ilyin M. Vezdekhod. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Iz okna vagona. eng Out of the wagon window. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Illyustrirovannaya gazeta. #5,6. 1940 goda. 9 marta. eng Illustrated newspaper. # 5 6. 1940. March 9. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Zoshchenko Mikh. Rasskazy 1940 goda. eng Zoshchenko Mikh. Stories from 1940. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya geograficheskaya i geofizicheskaya. # 2 za 1940 god. eng Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geographic and geophysical series. # 2 for 1940. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Zakharov G. Russko-shvedskaya voyna 1808-1809 gg. eng Zakharov G. Russo-Swedish War of 1808-1809 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Detskiy otryvnoy kalendar na 1940 god (s 1 yanvarya po 1 iyulya). eng Childrens Vocal Calendar 1940 (from 1 January to 1 July). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Druzhba narodov. Almanakh khudozhestvennoy literatury narodov SSSR. Kniga chetvertaya. eng Friendship of Peoples. Almanac of Fictional Literature of the Peoples of the USSR. Book Four. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Ermanskiy, O.A. Stakhanovskoe dvizhenie i stakhanovskie metody. eng Ermansky, O.A. Stakhanov Movement and Stakhanov Methods. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Dzhangar. Kalmytskiy narodnyy epos. eng Djangar. Kalmyk Peoples Epic. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Zhivotnovodstvo SSSR za 1916-1938 gg.: statisticheskiy sbornik eng Animal husbandry of the USSR for 1916-1938: a statistical compendium In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Enikolopov I.K. Lermontov na Kavkaze. eng Yenikolopov I. K. Lermontov in the Caucasus. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart
translit Zhivopis Barokko. eng Baroque Painting. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1940 $299 Add to cart