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translit Barantsev I. A. Elektromobil. 130 let istorii.
eng I. A. Barantsev Electric Mobil. 130 Years of History. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Barnaulov O. D., Barnaulov A. O. Ves i vepsy.
eng Barnulov O. D., Barnulov A. O. Ves and veps. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Blokada v resheniyakh rukovodyashchikh partiynykh organov Leningrada. 1941 1944 gg. Postanovleniya byuro leningradskikh gorkoma i obkoma VKPb, stenogrammy zasedaniy: Sbornik dokumentov. V 2 kh chastyakh. Ch. I. Iyun 1941 g. mart 1942 g. Ch. II. Mart dekabr 1942 g.
eng Blockade in the decisions of the leading party bodies of Leningrad. 1941 1944 Decisions of the Bureau of the Leningrad City Committee and the Regional Committee of the VKPb, minutes of meetings: A collection of documents. In 2 parts. Part I. June March Part II, March December 1942 In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Bogdanovich M. I. Vostochnaya voyna 1853 1856 godov: V 4 kh tt. i Karty.
eng Bogdanovich M. I. Eastern War of 1853 1856: In 4 x Maps. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Bokkachcho Dzhovanni. Dekameron v trekh tomakh. (4 kh knigakh)
eng Boccaccio Giovanni. Decameron in three volumes. (4 x books) In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Bokkachcho Dzhovanni. DEKAMERON. V trekh tomakh (4 kh knigakh).
eng Boccaccio Giovanni. DECAMERON. In three volumes (4 x books). In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Botalov S. G. Epokha Velikogo pereseleniya narodov i rannee srednevekove Yuzhnogo Urala (II VIII vv.).
eng S. G. Botalov The Age of the Great Migration of Peoples and the Early Middle Ages of the Southern Urals (II VIII century). In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Bruks Robert. World of Warcraft. Trekhmernaya karta Azerota
eng Brooks Robert. World of Warcraft. Three-dimensional map of Azeroth In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit V sodruzhestve iskusstv. K 275 letiyu osnovaniya Imperatorskogo farforovogo zavoda: katalog vystavki.
eng In the Community of Arts. To mark the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Porcelain Factory: exhibition catalogue. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit V.I. Sergienko, E.A. Petrosyan, I.V. Frauchi. Topograficheskaya anatomiya i operativnaya khirurgiya.V dvukh tomakh.
eng V.I. Sergienko, E.A. Petrosyan, I.V. Frauchi. Topographic anatomy and operative surgery. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Varshavskiy Ilya. Sobranie sochineniy. V 3 tomakh.
eng Warszavsky Ilya. Collection of essays. In 3 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Videozapis ekspress kursa Tatyany Makarovoy Transovye tekhniki i regressionnyy poisk dlya issledovateley paranormalnykh yavleniy.
eng Videotape of Tatiana Makarovas Express Course on Transit Techniques and Regression Search for Paranormal Explorers. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Voznesenskiy A. V., Nikolaev N. V. Katalog belorusskikh izdaniy kirillovskogo shrifta XVI XVIII vekov iz sobraniya otdela redkikh knig Rossiyskoy natsionalnoy biblioteki: Vyp. 1 2: Vyp. 1. 1523 1600 gg.; Vyp. 2. 1601 1654 gg.
eng Voznesensky A. V., Nikolaev N. V. Catalogue of Belarusian editions of the Cyrillic font of the XVI XVIII century from the collection of the Department of Rare Books of the Russian National Library: Volume 1 2: Volume 1. 1523 1600; Volume 2. 1601 1654 In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019

translit Vossoedinenie Kievskoy mitropolii s Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkovyu. 1676 1686 gg. Issledovaniya i dokumenty.
eng Reunification of the Kyiv Metropolitanate with the Russian Orthodox Church. 1676 1686 Studies and Documents. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 2019