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translit Dzidzoev V. D. Istoriya seleniya Dur-Dur-Tuganovo.
eng Dzidzoev V. D. History of the settlement of Dur-Dur-Tuganovo. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Ilya Repin. 1844-1930.
eng Ilya Repin. 1844-1930. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit I. A. Bunin. Novye materialy i issledovaniya.
eng I. A. Bunin. New materials and research. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Ibn Kayyim al-Dzhauziyya. Izbrannoe: V 3-kh tt.: T. I. Deyaniya serdets; T. II: Nravstvennost. Prizyv i poklonenie; T. III. Religioznye obyazannosti. Grekhi. Smyagchenie serdets.
eng Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Favorites: In 3 vol.: T.I. Acts of the hearts; T.II: Morality. Call and worship; T.III. Religious duties. Sins. Softener of hearts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Dolmatov Vladimir. Stalin. Glavnye dokumenty. 1878-1953
eng Vladimir Dolmatov. Stalin. The main documents. 1878-1953 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Zagmayster S., Uolsh D. O Krasote.
eng Zagmeister S., Walsh D. On Beauty. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Ilarion (Alfeev), mitropolit. Evangelie ot Matfeya. Istoricheskiy i bogoslovskiy kommentariy: V 2-kh tt.
eng Hilarion (Alphaeus), Metropolitan. The Gospel according to Matthew. Historical and theological commentary: In 2 tv. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Isaev P. N. Moskovskoe uchilishche zhivopisi, vayaniya i zodchestva. 1832-1918: Biograficheskiy slovar. T. 1 (A-K).
eng Isaev P. N. Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. 1832-1918: Biographical Dictionary, Vol. 1 (A-K). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Derevyanko A. P. Tri globalnye migratsii cheloveka v Evrazii. T. IV: Ashelskaya i bifasialnaya industriya v Kitae, Koree, Mongolii, Kazakhstane, Turkmenistane, Uzbekistane i na Kavkaze.
eng Derevyanko A.P. Three global human migrations in Eurasia. Vol. IV: Aschel and bifacial industries in China, Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the Caucasus. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Dylykova-Parfionovich V. S. Kalachakra Tantra. T. 2. Tantra, imenuemaya Sushchnost pozdney versii blistatelnoy Kalachakra Tantry.
eng Dylykova-Parfionovich V. S. Kalachakra Tantra. Vol. 2. Tantra, called Essence of the late version of the brilliant Kalachakra Tantra. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Interpretatsiya biopsiy v pediatrii.
eng Interpretation of biopsies in Pediatrics. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Zhikharev S.S. RDS i moya zhizn.
eng Zhikharev S.S. RDS and My Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019