translit Pevzner-Topskiy M.Sh., byvshiy prepodavatel Petrogradskoy gimnazii. Religiya evreev. eng M.S. Pevzner-Topsky, former teacher of the Petrograd Gymnasium. Jewish Religion. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Pertsev V.N. Gogentsollerny. eng Peptsev V.N. Hohenzollern. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Podrobnyy katalog izdaniy Arkheograficheskoy komissii, vyshedshikh v svet s 1836 po 1918 god eng Detailed Catalogue of Archaeographic Commission Publications from 1836 to 1918 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Polevitskiy N.I. Zagotovka vprok ovoshchey, gribov i yagod domashnimi sposobami. eng Polevitsky N.I. Harvesting vegetables, mushrooms and berries by home methods. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Presnyakov A.E. Obrazovanie velikorusskogo gosudarstva. Ocherki po istorii XIII- XV stoletiy. eng Presnyakov A.E. Education of the Great Russian State. Essays on the History of the XIII-XV Centuries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Priroda i naselenie slobodskoy Ukrainy. Kharkovskaya guberniya. Posobie po rodinovedeniyu. eng Nature and Population of Sloboda Ukraine. Kharkiv Governorate. Handbook on Homeland Studies. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Radek, Karl; Zinovev, Grigoriy; Ioffe A.A. (Krymskiy V.). Konvolyut 6-i izdaniy. Venok kommunarov. eng Radek, Karl; Zinoviev, Grigory; Joffe A.A. (Crimean V.) In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Raskatov M. Na chuzhbine (Anton Krechet). eng Raskatov M. On a foreign land (Anton Krechet). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Rechi I.G. Tsereteli v Rossii i na Kavkaze. (T. 2:)Parlamentskie rechi vo 2-y Gosud. Dume, vo Vserossiyskom Uchreditel'nom Sobranii i v Zakavkazskom Seyme. Stenogrammy. eng Speeches by I.G. Tsereteli in Russia and the Caucasus. (Vol. 2:) Parliamentary Speeches to the Second State Duma, the All-Russian Constituent Assembly and the Transcaucasian Sejm In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Sbornik statey po proletarskoy revolyutsii i pravu. 1918. Yanvar'-aprel'. # 1-4. eng A collection of articles on the proletarian revolution and law. 1918. January-April. # 1-4. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Severyanin Igor'. Za strunnoy izgorod'yu liry: Izbrannye poezy. eng Igor the Northerner. Behind the Lyre String Hedge: Selected Poems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Severyanin, Igor'. Za strunnoy izgorod'yu liry. Izbrannye poezy. eng Northerner, Igor. Behind the Lyre's String Hedge. Selected Poems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Servantes. Priklyucheniya Don-Kikhota Lamanchskogo, Rytsarya pechal'nogo obraza. eng Cervantes. The Adventures of Don Quixote of Lamanchi, the Knight of the Sad Image. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Skrizhal' Sbornik pervyy. eng Tablet Sbornik 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Sokolov Boris. Byliny. eng Boris Sokolov. Bylinas. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Sologub F. Slepaya babochka. eng Sololips F. Blind Butterfly. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Sologub Fedor. Pomnish', ne zabudesh' i drugie rasskazy. eng Sologub Fedor. Remember, you won't forget other stories. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Spiridovich A.I. Partiya sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov i ee predshestvenniki (1886-1916). eng Spiridovich A.I. Party of Socialist Revolutionaries and its predecessors (1886-1916). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Stepun F., Ropshin V. Iz pisem praporshchika-artillerista. Iz deystvuyushchey armii (leto 1917 g.). eng Stepan F., Ropshin V. From letters from an artillery warrant officer. From the active army (summer 1917). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart
translit Stolpyanskiy P.N. Peterburg. Kak voznik, osnovalsya i ros Sankt-Piterburkh. eng Stolpyansky P.N. Petersburg. How St. Petersburg arose, was founded and grew. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1918 $399 Add to cart