translit Oskar Goltzman The Fall of the Jewish State (German translation), Moscow, 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Oskar Gol'tsman Padenie Iudeyskogo gosudarstva(perevod s nemetskogo),M.,1899g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit P.I. (Peter Yakubovich). STICHOTING, edited by the journal Russian God, St. Petersburg, Wolf, 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng P.Ya.(Petr Yakubovich).STIKhOTVORENIYa, zhurnala RUSSKOE BOGATSTVO,SPb, Vol'f,1899g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit LIFE NAVROTSKIY eng VROTSKIY.TALKS OF THE MINUSTAH, Russian Bylines and Tradition in Verses, Book 2, St. Petersburg, Balashev In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/prizhizNAVROTsKIY/VROTsKIY.SKAZANIYa MINUVShEGO,rus.byliny i predaniya v stikhakh,kniga 2-ya,SPb,Balashev,1899 Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Pushkin. Brothers-Robbers. From Panafidin. 1899-1900. The Old Book In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Pushkin. Brat'ya-Razboyniki. izd.Panafidina.1899-1900 g. Starinnaya kniga Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit S. Rupert-Legler Guide to the Study of Commercial Correspondence. Bilingual Letters. 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng S. Rupert-Legler Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu kommercheskoy korrespondentsii. Dvuyazychnyy pis'movnik. 1899g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit S. G. Dudyshkin On Western Europe. 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng S.G. Dudyshkin Po Zapadnoy Evrope. 1899g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Sergius John of Kronstadt. My Life in Christ. 1899. Two volumes in one book. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Sergiev Ioann Il'ich.(Ioann Kronshtadskiy). Moya zhizn' vo khriste. 1899 g. Dva toma v odnoy knige. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Fritz Bley. Naprolom (Durch) 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Frits Bley. Naprolom (Durch) 1899g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Marshall Painting Album on Birds Zoology 1899 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Marshall' Al'bom kartin po zoologii ptits 1899 Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Novitsky A. P. History of Russian Art from Ancient Times. Issue 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Novitskiy A. P. Istoriya russkogo iskusstva s drevneyshikh vremen. Vyp. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 1899 g. Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Vinogradskiy I. A. , leyt. Uchastie Gvardeyskogo Ekipazha v sukhoputnoy kampanii 1812 goda. eng Vinogradsky I. A., Lieutenant. Participation of the Guard Crew in the ground campaign of 1812. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Giro, Pol. Chastnaya i obshchestvennaya zhizn rimlyan: So 107 risunkami v tekste Perevod s fr. pod red. S. P. Moravskogo eng Giro, Paul. The private and public life of the Romans: With 107 drawings in the text Translation from the French edited by S. P. Moravsky In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Godovoy komplekt. Farmatsevt: Nauchno spetsialnyy zhurnal ## 1 42, 43 44 za 1899 god eng Annual kit. Pharmacist: Scientific special journal # 1 42, 43 44 for 1899 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Gyuyo M. Zadachi sovremennoy estetiki. Ocherk morali eng Guyo M. The Challenges of Modern Aesthetics: An Essay on Morality In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Dobryy pastyr seyatel. Sbornik propovedey i poucheniy, naibolee dostupnykh ponimaniyu prostogo naroda. eng The good shepherd sower. A compilation of sermons and teachings best understood by the common people. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit D r Smolenskiy P. O. Prosteyshie sposoby issledovaniya i otsenki dobrokachestvennosti sestnykh pripasov, napitkov, vozdukha, vody, zhilishch i proch. eng Dr. Smolensky P. O. The simplest ways to study and evaluate the benign quality of food supplies, beverages, air, water, dwellings, etc. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Dyuga A. , prof. Zastenchivost i ee lechenie. eng Duga A., Prof. Shyness and its Treatment. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Ezhednevnye poucheniya v slove Bozhiem. V trekh tomakh. Tom pervyy: Poucheniya na vse voskresnye dni goda. S prisovokupleniey poucheniy na nedeli osobye. (Vsekh poucheniy okolo 465). eng Daily teachings in the word of God. In three volumes. Volume one: Lectures on all Sundays of the year. With the addition of special teachings for the weeks. (All teachings are about 465). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Zheleznodorozhnoe delo. 1899g. eng Railway business. 1899. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart
translit Zhivopisnaya Rossiya. Tom shestoy. Moskva i Moskovskaya promyshlennaya oblast. Chast vtoraya. Moskovskaya promyshlennaya oblast. eng Painting Russia. Volume Six. Moscow and the Moscow Industrial Region. Part Two. Moscow Industrial Region. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1899 $499 Add to cart