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translit Lavrov Aleksandr. Antologiya ugolovnogo romana v pyati tomakh. Peterburgskie bandity. Pokhozhdeniya grafa Azara. Rokovye milliony. Zmeya v koltse. Pod volnami imatry.
eng Lavrov Alexander. An anthology of a criminal novel in five volumes. St. Petersburg bandits. The adventures of Count Azar. Fatal millions. A serpent in the ring. Under the waves of the imatra. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Poznanskaya Anna. Teyt. London
eng Anna Poznan. Tate London In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Pirs Entoni. Lyudi i Manta. (tsikl v 2-kh tomakh).
eng Pierce Anthony. People and Manta. (2-volume cycle). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Li Brekett. Solnechnaya sistema.
eng Lee Brackett. The Solar System. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Prokofeva S.L. Poka bbt chasy. Skazochnaya povest.
eng Prokofieva S.L. While the clock is ticking. A fairy tale. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Foster Kh., Krauss R., Bua I.-A., Bukhlo B. Kh. D., Dzhoslit D. Iskusstvo s 1900 goda: modernizm, antimodernizm, postmodernizm.
eng Foster H., Krauss R., Bois I.-A., Buhlo B. H. D., Jocelyn D. Art since 1900: Modernism, Anti-Modernism, Postmodernism. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Ubity v Kalinine, zakhoroneny v Mednom. V 3-kh tomakh (komplekt)
eng Killed in Kalinin, buried in Copper. In 3 volumes (set) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Stolitsa kazachego kraya. Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar
eng The capital of the Cossack region. Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy P.P. Memuary v 5tt. : komplekt
eng Semyonov-Tian-Shan P.P. Memoirs in 5t.: set In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Chertok B.E. Rakety i lyudi (v 4-kh tomakh).
eng Damn B.E. Missiles and People (in 4 volumes). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019