Listings found - 423
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![Russkiy vestnik. 1879. Mart./Russian Vestnik. 1879. March. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/albf9178519414d6657.jpg)
translit Russkiy vestnik. 1879. Mart.
eng Russian Vestnik. 1879. March. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Russkiy vestnik. 1879. Iyul./Russian Vestnik. 1879. July. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/albf4a1b00f350a2643.jpg)
translit Russkiy vestnik. 1879. Iyul.
eng Russian Vestnik. 1879. July. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Semenov D.D. Otechestvovedenie. Tom 4. Vostok i Zapad./Semyonov D.D. Fatherland Studies. Volume 4. East and West. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alba29162354c35d699.jpg)
translit Semenov D.D. Otechestvovedenie. Tom 4. Vostok i Zapad.
eng Semyonov D.D. Fatherland Studies. Volume 4. East and West. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Semenov D. Otechestvovedenie. Rossiya po rasskazam puteshestvennikov i uchenym issledovaniyam. Tom I. Severnyy kray i Finlyandiya./Semyonov D. Fatherland Studies. Russia by Travellers Tales and Scientific Research. Volume I. Northern Krai and Finland. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alba3d29fee9f09a824.jpg)
translit Semenov D. Otechestvovedenie. Rossiya po rasskazam puteshestvennikov i uchenym issledovaniyam. Tom I. Severnyy kray i Finlyandiya.
eng Semyonov D. Fatherland Studies. Russia by Travellers Tales and Scientific Research. Volume I. Northern Krai and Finland. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Semenov D. Otechestvovedenie. Rossiya po rasskazam puteshestvennikov i uchenym issledovaniyam. Tom III. Kavkaz i Ural./Semyonov D. Fatherland Studies. Russia by Stories of Travellers and Scientific Research. Volume III. Caucasus and Urals. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alb46430733b9ca4b37.jpg)
translit Semenov D. Otechestvovedenie. Rossiya po rasskazam puteshestvennikov i uchenym issledovaniyam. Tom III. Kavkaz i Ural.
eng Semyonov D. Fatherland Studies. Russia by Stories of Travellers and Scientific Research. Volume III. Caucasus and Urals. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Sbornik resheniy 4 Departamenta i obshchikh sobraniy Pravitelstvuyushchego Senata po delam kommercheskikh sudov Imperii. Tom tretiy.vypuski 1 i 2. s 1 iyulya 1877 g. po 1 iyulya 1879 g./Compilation of Decisions of the Fourth Department and General Meetings of the Governing Senate on the Commercial Courts of the Empire. Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, July 1, 1877 to July 1, 1879. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alb68c4a7ead5f5192a.jpg)
translit Sbornik resheniy 4 Departamenta i obshchikh sobraniy Pravitelstvuyushchego Senata po delam kommercheskikh sudov Imperii. Tom tretiy.vypuski 1 i 2. s 1 iyulya 1877 g. po 1 iyulya 1879 g.
eng Compilation of Decisions of the Fourth Department and General Meetings of the Governing Senate on the Commercial Courts of the Empire. Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, July 1 to July 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Studitskiy, d-r. O chume./Studistic, Dr. On the Plague. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/albb0c4935d6ba20c0d-1.jpg)
translit Studitskiy, d-r. O chume.
eng Studistic, Dr. On the Plague. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 1879
![Ukazatel geograficheskogo, statisticheskogo, istoricheskogo i etnograficheskogo materiala v Stavropolskikh Gubernskikh Vedomostyakh. Pervoe desyatiletie (1850-1859 g.)./Index of geographical, statistical, historical, and ethnographic material in Stavropol Governorate Vedomosti. The first decade (1850-1859). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alba5d2e6a023509f1a.jpg)
translit Ukazatel geograficheskogo, statisticheskogo, istoricheskogo i etnograficheskogo materiala v Stavropolskikh Gubernskikh Vedomostyakh. Pervoe desyatiletie (1850-1859 g.).
eng Index of geographical, statistical, historical, and ethnographic material in Stavropol Governorate Vedomosti. The first decade (1850-1859). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Shile. Priroda i lyudi: Illyustrirovannyy zhurnal, literaturnyy, nauchnyy i politicheskiy. Fevral 1879 gKrymskie tatary Etnograficheskiy ocherk. Shile./Schiele. Nature and People: An Illustrated Journal, Literary, Scientific, and Political. February 1879 Crimean Tatars Ethnographic Essay. Schiele. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alb3b67b7a56edde497.jpg)
translit Shile. Priroda i lyudi: Illyustrirovannyy zhurnal, literaturnyy, nauchnyy i politicheskiy. Fevral 1879 gKrymskie tatary Etnograficheskiy ocherk. Shile.
eng Schiele. Nature and People: An Illustrated Journal, Literary, Scientific, and Political. February 1879 Crimean Tatars Ethnographic Essay. Schiele. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Chteniya v imperatorskom obshchestve istorii i drevnostey rossiyskikh pri Moskovskom universitete. 1879 god.Yanvar-Mart. Kniga pervaya./Readings in the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University. 1879. January-March. Book one. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/albea5d4c2945cbb12a.jpg)
translit Chteniya v imperatorskom obshchestve istorii i drevnostey rossiyskikh pri Moskovskom universitete. 1879 god.Yanvar-Mart. Kniga pervaya.
eng Readings in the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University. 1879. January-March. Book one. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Tsitovich Petr. Otvet na pisma k uchenym lyudyam./Peter Tsitovich. Responding to letters to scholars. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alb64ebc28dd903f447.jpg)
translit Tsitovich Petr. Otvet na pisma k uchenym lyudyam.
eng Peter Tsitovich. Responding to letters to scholars. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Ushinskiy Konstantin. Chelovek kak predmet vospitaniya. Tom 2./Ushinsky Konstantin. A Man as a Subject of Education. Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alba8bb4c01c757dc4a.jpg)
translit Ushinskiy Konstantin. Chelovek kak predmet vospitaniya. Tom 2.
eng Ushinsky Konstantin. A Man as a Subject of Education. Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879
![Yalkut Khodosh t.e., Novy sobrani Yalkut Khodosh./Yalkut Khodosh i.e., Novy Khodosh Yalkut Khodosh. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com](https://landofmagazines.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/alba949384800ff0c98.jpg)
translit Yalkut Khodosh t.e., Novy sobrani Yalkut Khodosh.
eng Yalkut Khodosh i.e., Novy Khodosh Yalkut Khodosh. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1879