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translit Marusenko M. A. Novyy mirovoy yazykovoy poryadok.
eng Marusenko M. A. The New World Language Order. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Matveeva N. P. Osnovy arkheologii.
eng Matveyeva N. P. Basics of Archaeology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Lafferti, R. A. Trinadtsatoe puteshestvie Sindbada.
eng Lafferty, R. A. Sinbads Thirteenth Journey. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Lipatova L. Dorogi i sudby.
eng Lipatova L. Roads and destinies. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Minnullin Z.S. Tatarskaya ASSR: istoriya razvitiya (1920 -1990 gg.)
eng Minnullin Z.S. Tatar ASSR: history of development (1920-1990) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Lesli O. N. Russkaya vetv klana Lesli.
eng Leslie O. N. The Russian branch of the Leslie clan. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Milovskiy A. Ukolot nebo: byli i nebyli russkoy gotiki.
eng Milovsky A. Kick the Sky: there were and were no Russian Goths. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Kutsenkov P. A., Lavrenteva N. V., Chegodaev M. A. Ot rodovogo obshchestva k rannim tsivilizatsiyam: Drevniy Egipet i Zapadnaya Afrika.
eng P. A. Kutsenkov, N. V. Lavrentyeva, M. A. Chegodaev From Family Society to Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt and West Africa. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit Lyakin V. Poslednie zashchitniki Velikogo Knyazhestva Litovskogo.
eng Lyakin V. The Last Defenders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019

translit M. Gorkiy-150. IMLI-Tsentr mirovogo Gorkovedeniya: Yubileynyy albom k 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Maksima Gorkogo.
eng M. Gorky-150. IMLI-Center of World Gorky Studies: Jubilee Album to the 150th Anniversary of Maxim Gorkys Birth. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 2019