translit D.P. Karbelashvili. Ruchnaya rech' na Kavkaze: Issledovanie po materialam Baranin. rajona SSR Armenii. eng Manual speech in the Caucasus: A study based on the materials of Baranin. region of the SSR of Armenia. Tiflis Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Programmnye dokumenty kitajskih sovetov. Sbornik. M. Partizdat. 1935g. 104s. eng Program Documents of the Chinese Councils. Collection. M. Partizdat. 1935 104s. Moscow Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Marx K., Engels F. Manifest Kommunisticheskoj partii, 1935. eng Manifesto of the Communist Party. Moscow Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Morgan. Ancient Society. 1935. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Morgan. Drevnee obshchestvo. 1935g. Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Grimm V. Skazki bratev Grimm. eng Grimm W. Grimm Brothers Tales. Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Olympiske Lege i Berlin 1936 1st-16th August. Olimpiyskie igry v Berline, 1936 1-y-16 avgusta. Die Oliympischen Spiele 1936 in Berlin. eng Olympiske Lege i Berlin 1936 1st-16th August. Olympic Games in Berlin 1st-16th August. Die Olympischen Spiele 1936 in Berlin. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Burianek Antonin. Ozveny zivota. eng Burianek Antonin. Ozveny zivota. In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Abramov A.N. Desyat modeley. eng Abramov A.N. Ten models. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit XLV akademiku N. Ya. Marru. eng XLV to Academician N. J. Marr. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Avtomobili legkovye. Metody tipovykh ispytaniy eng Motor Vehicles - Typical Test Methods In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit VIII Vsesoyuznoe shakhmatnoe pervenstvo (art 6). eng VIII All-Union Chess Championship (art. 6). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Alberti L.B. Desyat knig o zodchestve i fragment anonimnoy biografii. eng Alberti L.B. Ten books on architecture and a fragment of an anonymous biography. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Vnukov V. Fizika i oborona strany. Chast 2 eng Grandchildren of V. Physics and the defense of the country. Part 2 Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Gilyarovskiy V.A. Psikhiatriya.: Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey i studentov. eng Gilyarovsky V.A. Psychiatry: A Guide for Physicians and Students. Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Gorkiy Maks. Foma Gordeev. eng Bitter Max. Thomas Gordeev. Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Gosudarstvennyy bolshoy damaticheskiy teatr im. Gorkogo i Gossudarstvennaya akademiya iskusstvovedeniya eng Gorky State Bolshoi Damatik Theatre and State Academy of Art Studies Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Vinogradov V.V. Yazyk Pushkina. Pushkin i istoriya russkogo literaturnogo yazyka eng Vinogradov V.V. Pushkins Language. Pushkin and the History of the Russian Literary Language Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Vyazemskiy Petr. Izbrannye stikhotvoreniya. eng Peter Vyazemsky. Selected poems. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Gutenberg B. Osnovy seysmologii. eng Gutenberg B. Basics of Seismology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart
translit Voronin N.N. K istorii selskogo poseleniya feodalnoy Rusi. eng N.N. Voronin to the history of the rural settlement of feudal Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1935 $199 Add to cart