translit Adzhubey A. Te desyat let. eng Adjubey A. Those ten years. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Kotlyar Elmira. Svet-gorod. Stikhi. M. Sovetskiy pisatel, 1989. eng Elmiras Kotlyar. Light City. Poems. M. Soviet writer. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Gauf V. Sheykh i ego nevolniki. Per. I.S. Tatarinovoy; khudozh. L. Yamskaya. Vilnyus: LINK-tsentr, 1989. eng Gauf V. Sheikh and His Slaves. Peter I. S. Tatarinova; artist L. Yamskaya. Vilnius: LINK-center. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Arkhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvy. Ezhemesyachnyy illyustrirovannyy nauchno-populyarnyy zhurnal. 1989 g eng Architecture and Construction of Moscow. Monthly illustrated scientific-popular magazine. 1989. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Andreev L. Dramaticheskie proizvedeniya. Biblioteka russkoy dramaturgii. eng Andreev L. Dramatic Works. Library of Russian Drama. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Andreev L. Dramaticheskie proizvedeniya. V 2 tomakh. Biblioteka russkoy dramaturgii. eng Andreev L. Dramatic Works. In 2 Volumes. Library of Russian Drama. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Akhmatovskiy sbornik. Vypusk 1. 1989 god. eng Akhmatovsky sbornik. Vol. 1. 1989 year. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Gardi T. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. 3 tt. eng Hardy T. Selected Works. 3 tv. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Ginzburg E. Krutoy marshrut. Khronika vremen kulta lichnosti. V dvukh tomakh eng Ginsburg E. The Cool Route. A Chronicle of the Cult of Personality. In Two Volumes Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Granin D. Sobranie sochineniy v pyati tomakh. eng Granin D. A collection of essays in five volumes. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Korolenko V.G. Sobranie sochineniy. 5 tt. eng Korolenko V.G. Collection of essays. 5 t. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Simonov K. Zhivye i mertvye. Roman v trekh knigakh. eng Simonov K. Living and Dead. A novel in three books. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Fedoseev G. Sobranie sochineniy. eng Fedoseev G. Collection of essays. Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Vladimir Vysotskiy. Plakat-kalendar na 1989 g. Moskva. 1988 g. eng Vladimir Vysotsky. Calendar poster for 1989 Moscow. 1988 Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Katalog auktsiona ot 18 noyabrya 1989 goda, organizovannogo Vserossiyskim muzeem dekorativno-prikladnogo i narodnogo iskusstva i Tvorcheskim khudozhestvennym tsentrom Ladomir eng Catalogue of the auction of 18 November organized by the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art and the Creative Art Centre Ladomir Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Katalog knig Chetvertogo Leningradskogo antikvarno-bukinisticheskogo auktsiona ot 21 oktyabrya 1989 goda eng Catalogue of books of the Fourth Leningrad Antiques and Booksellers Auction of 21 October 1989 Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Tretiy tematicheskiy auktsion. Rossiya i Evropa. Katalog eng Third thematic auction. Russia and Europe. Catalogue Publication date: 1989 $199 Add to cart
translit Gorgon Dillian. Dillian Gordon. 100 Great Paintings: Duccio to Picasso (National Gallery London Publications) 100 velikikh kartin: ot Duchcho do Pikasso. Na angl.yaz. eng Gorgon Dillian. Dillian Gordon. 100 Great Paintings: Duccio to Picasso (National Gallery London Publications) 100 great paintings: from Duccio to Picasso. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1989 $299 Add to cart