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translit Madame de Sevigne's Letters to Her Daughter Volume Seven Amsterdam
eng Madame de Sevigne's Letters to Her Daughter Volume Seven Amsterdam
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Lomonosov M. V. Drevnyaya Rossiyskaya istoriya ot nachala Rossiyskogo naroda do konchiny Velikogo Knyazya Yaroslava I, ili do 1054 g.
eng Lomonosov M. V. Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the Russian people until the death of Grand Prince Yaroslav I, or until 1054 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Brion, Louis. Velikaya Tartariya i Yaponskie ostrova Tsvetnaya gravirovannaya karta 1766 goda v rame.Grande Tartarie et Isles de Japon Graver Louis Brion.
eng Brion, Louis. Grand Tartaria and Japanese Islands Color engraved map of 1766 in the frame of Grande Tartarie et Isles de Japon engraver Louis Brion. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Istoriya gosudarstva i zhizni ego velichestva korolya i gospodina Fridrikha Vtorogo, pravyashchego korolya Prussii, kurfyursta Brandenburga, suverennogo i glavnogo gertsoga Silezii.
eng The history of the state and the life of His Majesty the King and Mr. Friedrich II, the Reigning King of Prussia, the Kurfürst of Brandenburg, the Sovereign and Grand Duke of Silesia. In German (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Abbe de Frenua Langlyu de Frenua, Nikola. Osnovaniya v istorii k obucheniyu yunoshestva, razdelennye na goda i uroki. God I. God II. Chast II.
eng Abbé de Frénois Langlois de Frénois, Nicolas. Grounds in history for learning young people, divided into years and lessons. Year I. Year II. Part II. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Geynektsius I. G. Osnovaniya umstvennoy i nravouchitel'noy filosofii obshche s sokrashchennoyu istorieyu filosoficheskoyu, sochinennyya Ioannom Gottlobom Geynektsiem, taynym sovetnikom Ego Velichestva korolya prusskogo, publichnym i ordinarnym prav i filosofii v Frideritsianskoy akademii pro
eng Heinekcius I. G. The Foundations of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy in Common with the Abbreviated History of Philosophy, written by John Gottlob Heinekcius, Privy Adviser to His Majesty the King of Prussia, Public and Ordinary Law and Philosophy at the Friedrichsian Academy pro In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Muller Gerard (Gerkhard Miller). Puteshestviya i otkrytiya sdelannye russkimi vdol' beregov Ledovitogo morya i Vostochnogo okeana kak v storonu Yaponii tak i Ameriki, vklyuchaya opisanie reki Amur.
eng Mueller Gerard. Travels and discoveries made by the Russians along the shores of the Arctic Sea and the Eastern Ocean, both towards Japan and America, including a description of the Amur River. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Ekaterina II. Manifest E.I.V. Ekateriny II ob ubiystve, uchinennom leyb-gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polku kaptenarmusom Alekseem Zhukovym i zhenoyu ego Varvaroyu Nikolaevoy materi i sestry svoey rodnoy.
eng Catherine II. Ekaterina II's Manifesto about the murder by the Labour Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment of Captenarmus Alexey Zhukov and his wife Varvara Nikolaeva of their mother and sister. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Zabavnoj filosof, ili Sobranie raznyh ostroumnovymyshlennyh povestej, udivitelnyh snovidenij i zamyslovatyh dlya uveselitelnago nastavleniya opytov
eng An amusing philosopher, or a collection of various ingenious stories, amazing dreams and intricate experiments for the pleasure of teaching. / Transl. by Luka Sichkarev. - St. Petersburg. in Russian.
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Mui, Sharl' de Fui; Perevod: per. I.F.B. Iogann fon Berg Zheleznaya Maska, ili Udivitel'nye priklyucheniya ottsa i syna. Komplekt 3-kh chastey v 1 pereplete
eng Mui, Charles de Foy; Translated by I.F.B. Johann von Berg Iron Mask, or The Amazing Adventures of Father and Son. Set of 3 parts in 1 bound In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Mineya sluzhebnaya. May
eng Mineya service. May In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Animal Kingdom. Vosmaer. A.Vosmaer Regnum Animale. Arnott Fosmaer. 1766-1804
eng Animal Kingdom. Vosmaer. A.Vosmaer Regnum Animale. Arnott Fosmaer. 1766-1804
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit Eya Imperatorskogo Velichestva Samoderzhitsy Vserossiyskoy Velikoy Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Ekateriny Alekseevny Reglament o upravlenii Admiralteystv i Flotov.
eng Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of the All-Russian Great State Empress Catherine Alexeyevna Regulations on the Administration of the Admiralty and Fleet. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
Add to carttranslit A.S. Dembovskiy Istoriya o nyneshnem sostoyanii pravitel'stva pol'skago; s nemetskago yazyka perevedena sekretarem Vasil'em Lebedevym.
eng A.S. Dembowski History of the current state of the Polish government; translated from German by Secretary Vasily Lebedev. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
Publication date: 1766
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