translit Bessmertnaya jepopeya. In Russian eng Bessmertnaya epic. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Otkrytka. Russkaya zhivopis. Lvov I. M. Ostatki velikoj armii. In Russian eng Postcard. Russian painting. Lviv and. M. Remains great army. In Russian, n/a Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Gonzalve. Oeuvres de Florian. Paris. 1812. eng Gonzalve. Oeuvres de Florian. Parizh. 1812 g. Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Théâtre de L. B. Picard 6tr. (kit), Paris, 1812 eng Theatre de L. B. Picard 6tt. (komplekt), Parizh g. Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit The Initial Guide to the Teaching of Youth or the First Concepts of Things of 1812 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Nachal'noe rukovodstvo k nastavleniyu yunoshestva ili pervye ponyatiya o veshchakh 1812g Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Turkey Ottoman Empire Turki Sultan History Suit 1812 History Ottoman Empire In Russian (ask us if in doubt) eng Turtsiya Osmanskaya Imperiya Turki Sultan Istoriya Kostyum 1812 g.History Ottoman Empire Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Gete I. V. (Goethe J. W. ). Filipp Khakkert (Philipp Hackert. Biographische Skizze, meist nach dessen eigenen Aufsaetzen). eng Goethe J. W.. Philipp Hackert. Biography Skizze, meist nach dessen eigenen Aufsaetzen. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Rukopisi o Sevastopolskoy oborone sobrannye Gosudarem naslednikom Tsesarevichom( Sbornik rukopisey predstavlennykh Ego Imperatorskomu Vysochestvu Gosudaryu nasledniku Tsesarevichu o Sevastopolskoy oborone ) tom 2. eng Manuscripts on the Sevastopol defense collected by the heir Caesarevich (Collection of manuscripts submitted to His Imperial Highness Sovereign by the heir Caesarevich on the Sevastopol defense) vol. 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Skobelev I. N. Perepiska i rasskazy russkogo invalida. Chast 1. eng Skobelev I. N. Correspondence and Stories of a Russian Disabled. Part 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Bozheryanov. Voyna russkogo naroda s Napoleonom v 1812 g. eng Bozheryanov. The War of the Russian People with Napoleon in 1812 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Vestnik Evropy, izdavaemyy Mikhailom Kachenovskim. Chast LXI, LXII (# 1-8). eng Mikhail Kachenovskys Bulletin of Europe: Part LXI, LXII (# 1-8). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Voennyy zhurnal. eng Military Journal. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Moskva v ee proshlom i nastoyashchem. Chasti iz tomov 1, 8, 9. eng Moscow in its Past and Present. Parts from Volumes 1, 8, 9. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Furman P.G. Sochineniya Petra Romanovicha Furmana. VIII. Petr Zhdanov moskovskiy kupets. eng P.G. Furman Works by Peter Romanovich Furman. VIII. Peter Zhdanov is a Moscow Merchant. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Glatee, pastorale imitee de Cervantes eng Glatee, pastorale imitee de Cervantes In English (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Rua I. Frantsuzy v Rossii. eng Roy I. The French in Russia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Tekhnologicheskiy zhurnal, ili Sobranie sochineniy i izvestiy, otnosyashchikhsya do tekhnologii, i prilozheniya uchinennykh v naukakh otkrytiy k prakticheskomu upotrebleniyu. Tom 9. Chast 1. eng Technological Journal, or Collection of Works and News Relating to Technology and Applications of Scientific Discovery to Practical Use. Volume 9. Part 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Voenskiy, K.A. Godina bed Godina slavy. eng Voensky, K.A. Godin of Godin of Glorys woes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart
translit Tekhnologicheskiy zhurnal, ili sobranie sochineniy i izvestiy, otnosyashchikhsya do tekhnologii i prilozheniya uchinennykh v naukakh otkrytiy k prakticheskomu upotrebleniyu. Toma devyatogo, chast' vtoraya. eng Technological Journal, or collection of essays and news related to technology and the application of scientific discoveries to practical use. Volume Nine, Part Two. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1812 $599 Add to cart