Pobedonostsev, K.P., Babst, I.K. Pisma o puteshestvii Gosudarya Naslednika Cesarevicha po Rossii ot Peterburga do Kryma., 1864./Pobedonostsev, K.P., Babst, I.K. Letters about the journey of the Sovereign Heir Tsesarevich around Russia from St. Petersburg to the Crimea. Moscow, 1864. In Russian. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationPobedonostsev, K.P., Babst, I.K. Pisma o puteshestvii Gosudarya Naslednika Cesarevicha po Rossii ot Peterburga do Kryma., 1864.

In EnglishPobedonostsev, K.P., Babst, I.K. Letters about the journey of the Sovereign Heir Tsesarevich around Russia from St. Petersburg to the Crimea. Moscow, 1864. In Russian.
