Detskaya jenciklopediya. V 12-ti tomah. Polnyj komplekt. Akademiya pedagogicheskih nauk. 2-e izdanie. Dlya starshego i srednego vozrasta. Serijnoe oformlenie izdaniya Bisti D.S. i Zbarskogo F.B. In Russian/ apos;s Encyclopedia. in 12-of volumes. full set. Academy pedagogical Sciences. 2-e edition. For older and middle age. Serial making edition Bisti D.C. and Zbarsky F.B. In Russian, Moscow -

TransliterationDetskaya jenciklopediya. V 12-ti tomah. Polnyj komplekt. Akademiya pedagogicheskih nauk. 2-e izdanie. Dlya starshego i srednego vozrasta. Serijnoe oformlenie izdaniya Bisti D.S. i Zbarskogo F.B. In Russian

In Englishapos;s Encyclopedia. in 12-of volumes. full set. Academy pedagogical Sciences. 2-e edition. For older and middle age. Serial making edition Bisti D.C. and Zbarsky F.B. In Russian, Moscow
