Dushenko K. V., Manchha G. P Mysli, aforizmy i shutki vydajushhihsya zhenshhin. Jenciklopediya zhenskoj mudrosti i zhenskogo ostroumiya In Russian/ Dushenko K. in., Manchha Mr.. P Thoughts, aphorisms and jokes outstanding women. Encyclopedia girls wisdom and apos;s wit In Russian, Moscow - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationDushenko K. V., Manchha G. P Mysli, aforizmy i shutki vydajushhihsya zhenshhin. Jenciklopediya zhenskoj mudrosti i zhenskogo ostroumiya In Russian

In EnglishDushenko K. in., Manchha Mr.. P Thoughts, aphorisms and jokes outstanding women. Encyclopedia girls wisdom and apos;s wit In Russian, Moscow
