Lazukov G.I., Gvozdover M.D. i dr. Priroda i drevnij chelovek (osnovnye jetapy razvitiya prirody, paleoliticheskogo cheloveka i ego kultury na territorii SSSR v plejstocene). In Russian/ Lazukov Mr..and., Gvozdover M.D. and etc. Nature and ancient man (main stages of nature, Paleolithic man and his culture the territory USSR in Pleistocene). In Russian, Moscow -

TransliterationLazukov G.I., Gvozdover M.D. i dr. Priroda i drevnij chelovek (osnovnye jetapy razvitiya prirody, paleoliticheskogo cheloveka i ego kultury na territorii SSSR v plejstocene). In Russian

In EnglishLazukov Mr..and., Gvozdover M.D. and etc. Nature and ancient man (main stages of nature, Paleolithic man and his culture the territory USSR in Pleistocene). In Russian, Moscow
