Baranova S.V. Put Voina Duha. V treh tomah. T.1. Svyashhennoe sluzhenie. Kodex Voina Duha i Voitelnicy Dushi. T.2. Chelovek. T.3 Jegoisticheskaya lichnost. In Russian/ Baranova Way the Spirit. in three volumes. T.1. Scripture service. Code the Spirit and Warrior Souls. T.2. Man. T.3 Jegoisticheskaya personality. In Russian, n/a -

TransliterationBaranova S.V. Put Voina Duha. V treh tomah. T.1. Svyashhennoe sluzhenie. Kodex Voina Duha i Voitelnicy Dushi. T.2. Chelovek. T.3 Jegoisticheskaya lichnost. In Russian

In EnglishBaranova Way the Spirit. in three volumes. T.1. Scripture service. Code the Spirit and Warrior Souls. T.2. Man. T.3 Jegoisticheskaya personality. In Russian, n/a
