Voskresenskaya Z., Astafev V., Zheleznikov V., Panteleev L., Fraerman R. Serdce materi./ Kon s rozovoj grivoj./ Zhizn i prikljucheniya chudaka./ Povesti i rasskazy./ Dikaya sobaka Dingo, ili Povest o pervoj ljubvi. t. 29. kn. 2. Seriya: Biblioteka mirovoj literatury dlya detej. In Russian/ Resurrection W., Astafjevs in., Zheleznikov in., Panteleev a., Fraerman P. Heart mother./ horse with pink mane./ Life and adventure eccentric./ Tale and stories./ wild dog Dingo, or Tale the first love. t. 29. book. 2. Series: Library World literature for children. In Russian, Moscow - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationVoskresenskaya Z., Astafev V., Zheleznikov V., Panteleev L., Fraerman R. Serdce materi.

In EnglishKon s rozovoj grivoj./ Zhizn i prikljucheniya chudaka./ Povesti i rasskazy./ Dikaya sobaka Dingo, ili Povest o pervoj ljubvi. t. 29. kn. 2. Seriya: Biblioteka mirovoj literatury dlya detej. In Russian/ Resurrection W., Astafjevs in., Zheleznikov in., Panteleev a., Fraerman P. Heart mother./ horse with pink mane./ Life and adventure eccentric./ Tale and stories./ wild dog Dingo, or Tale the first love. t. 29. book. 2. Series: Library World literature for children. In Russian, Moscow
