Kristi Agata. Pesy. V 2-h tomah.Svidetel obvineniya. K reshajushhemu chasu. Verdikt. Nazad k ubijstvu. I nikogo ne stalo. Svidanie so smertju. Loshhina. Myshelovka. In Russian/ Christie Agatha. Plays. in 2-x volumes.Witness charges. K crucial hour. Verdikt. Back to murder. and anyone not was. Rendezvous with death. Dell. Mousetrap. In Russian, n/a -

TransliterationKristi Agata. Pesy. V 2-h tomah.Svidetel obvineniya. K reshajushhemu chasu. Verdikt. Nazad k ubijstvu. I nikogo ne stalo. Svidanie so smertju. Loshhina. Myshelovka. In Russian

In EnglishChristie Agatha. Plays. in 2-x volumes.Witness charges. K crucial hour. Verdikt. Back to murder. and anyone not was. Rendezvous with death. Dell. Mousetrap. In Russian, n/a
