Bahmeteva A.N. Rasskazy iz istorii hristianskoj cerkvi ot I veka do poloviny XI -go veka. V 2-h chastyah. Chast I-ya. S risunkami. In Russian/ Bakhmetev A.H. Stories of history Christian Church from I century to half XI -of century. in 2-x parts. Part I-I. C drawings. In Russian, n/a -

TransliterationBahmeteva A.N. Rasskazy iz istorii hristianskoj cerkvi ot I veka do poloviny XI -go veka. V 2-h chastyah. Chast I-ya. S risunkami. In Russian

In EnglishBakhmetev A.H. Stories of history Christian Church from I century to half XI -of century. in 2-x parts. Part I-I. C drawings. In Russian, n/a
