Biblioteka dlya chteniya, zhurnal slovesnosti, nauk, khudozhestv, promyshlennosti, novostey i mod. Tom 20 # 1, # 2. - Tom 21, ch. 1 # 3. - Tom 22, ch. 2 # 6. - Tom 23, ch. 1 # 7. - Tom 23, ch. 2 # 8. - Tom 24 # 9, # 10. - Tom 25 # 11, # 12./Reading Library, Journal of Literature, Science, Arts, Industry, News and Fashion. Volume 20 # 1, # 2. Volume 21, Part 1 # 3. Volume 22, Part 2 # 6. Volume 23, Part 1 # 7. Volume 23, Part 2 # 8. Volume 24 # 9, # 10. Volume 25 # 11, # 12. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationBiblioteka dlya chteniya, zhurnal slovesnosti, nauk, khudozhestv, promyshlennosti, novostey i mod. Tom 20 # 1, # 2. - Tom 21, ch. 1 # 3. - Tom 22, ch. 2 # 6. - Tom 23, ch. 1 # 7. - Tom 23, ch. 2 # 8. - Tom 24 # 9, # 10. - Tom 25 # 11, # 12.

In EnglishReading Library, Journal of Literature, Science, Arts, Industry, News and Fashion. Volume 20 # 1, # 2. Volume 21, Part 1 # 3. Volume 22, Part 2 # 6. Volume 23, Part 1 # 7. Volume 23, Part 2 # 8. Volume 24 # 9, # 10. Volume 25 # 11, # 12. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
