Evkhologiy Velikoy tserkvi v slavyano-russkom perevode kontsa XIV veka: V 2-kh kn.: Kn. 1. Issledovanie i tekst; Kn. 2. Ukazateli./The Eulogy of the Great Church in the Slavic-Russian translation of the late fourteenth century: In Book 2: Book 1. Research and Text; Book 2. Index. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationEvkhologiy Velikoy tserkvi v slavyano-russkom perevode kontsa XIV veka: V 2-kh kn.: Kn. 1. Issledovanie i tekst; Kn. 2. Ukazateli.

In EnglishThe Eulogy of the Great Church in the Slavic-Russian translation of the late fourteenth century: In Book 2: Book 1. Research and Text; Book 2. Index. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
