Istoriya Yuzhnogo Urala. v 8 tomakh. Tom 5. U istokov yuzhno-uralskikh narodov. Yuzhnyy Ural v epokhu Zolotoy Ordy (IX-nachalo XV veka)/History of the Southern Urals. In 8 volumes. Volume 5. At the origins of the Southern Urals peoples. Southern Urals in the era of the Golden Horde (IX-early XV century) In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationIstoriya Yuzhnogo Urala. v 8 tomakh. Tom 5. U istokov yuzhno-uralskikh narodov. Yuzhnyy Ural v epokhu Zolotoy Ordy (IX-nachalo XV veka)

In EnglishHistory of the Southern Urals. In 8 volumes. Volume 5. At the origins of the Southern Urals peoples. Southern Urals in the era of the Golden Horde (IX-early XV century) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
