Esli zavtra voyna, esli zavtra v pokhod… Krasnaya armiya i flot v fotografiyakh. 1923-1941 gg. Albom: V 2-kh tt./If there is war tomorrow, if there is a march tomorrow: Red Army and Navy in pictures. 1923-1941. Album: In 2 tv. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationEsli zavtra voyna, esli zavtra v pokhod… Krasnaya armiya i flot v fotografiyakh. 1923-1941 gg. Albom: V 2-kh tt.

In EnglishIf there is war tomorrow, if there is a march tomorrow: Red Army and Navy in pictures. 1923-1941. Album: In 2 tv. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
