Lebedev A. Vselenskie Sobory IV iV veka.Obzor ikh dogmaticheskoy deyatelnosti v svyazi s napravleniem shkol Aleksandriyskoy i Antiokhiyskoy./Lebedev A. Ecumenical Councils of the 4th and 5th centuries. Review of their dogmatic activities in connection with the direction of the schools of Alexandria and Antioch. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationLebedev A. Vselenskie Sobory IV iV veka.Obzor ikh dogmaticheskoy deyatelnosti v svyazi s napravleniem shkol Aleksandriyskoy i Antiokhiyskoy.

In EnglishLebedev A. Ecumenical Councils of the 4th and 5th centuries. Review of their dogmatic activities in connection with the direction of the schools of Alexandria and Antioch. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
