Katalog XII-oy ocherednoy vystavki sobak, okhotnichikh loshadey i prinadlezhnostey okhoty Otdela Krovnogo Sobakovodstva. 19-23 Aprelya 1914 goda./Catalogue of the 12th regular exhibition of dogs, hunting horses and hunting accessories of the Blood Dog Department. April 19-23. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationKatalog XII-oy ocherednoy vystavki sobak, okhotnichikh loshadey i prinadlezhnostey okhoty Otdela Krovnogo Sobakovodstva. 19-23 Aprelya 1914 goda.

In EnglishCatalogue of the 12th regular exhibition of dogs, hunting horses and hunting accessories of the Blood Dog Department. April 19-23. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
