Grazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii (noyabr 1917-dekabr 1922 g.): sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem./Civil War in Eastern Russia (November 1917-December 1922): a collection of materials from the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation. -

TransliterationGrazhdanskaya voyna na vostoke Rossii (noyabr 1917-dekabr 1922 g.): sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem.

In EnglishCivil War in Eastern Russia (November 1917-December 1922): a collection of materials from the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation.
