Gambarov Yu. S. Dobrovolnaya i bezvozmezdnaya deyatelnost v chuzhom interese vne dogovornogo otnosheniya i ne po predpisaniyu zakona. Vyp. 1: Obshchestvennyy interes v grazhdanskom prave/Gambarov Yu. S. Voluntary and unpaid activity in anothers interest outside the contractual relationship and not according to the law. Volume 1: Public interest in civil law In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationGambarov Yu. S. Dobrovolnaya i bezvozmezdnaya deyatelnost v chuzhom interese vne dogovornogo otnosheniya i ne po predpisaniyu zakona. Vyp. 1: Obshchestvennyy interes v grazhdanskom prave

In EnglishGambarov Yu. S. Voluntary and unpaid activity in anothers interest outside the contractual relationship and not according to the law. Volume 1: Public interest in civil law In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
