Lukoshkov A. V. Reestr korabley i drugikh obektov podvodnogo istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. T. 1. Finskiy zaliv. Kn. 2. Korabli i suda XIX veka (Ch. 1)./Lukoshkov A. V. Register of Ships and Other Objects of Underwater Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Russian Federation. Vol. 1. Gulf of Finland. Book 2. Ships and Ships of the 19th Century (Part 1). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationLukoshkov A. V. Reestr korabley i drugikh obektov podvodnogo istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. T. 1. Finskiy zaliv. Kn. 2. Korabli i suda XIX veka (Ch. 1).

In EnglishLukoshkov A. V. Register of Ships and Other Objects of Underwater Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Russian Federation. Vol. 1. Gulf of Finland. Book 2. Ships and Ships of the 19th Century (Part 1). In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
